This is a re-post, got 2 answers B4, want more. I'm Taking a test today, but it may be too early, so if it's neg, going to take one in two days, and then one more time. Points are awarded for creativity and accuracy.
I miscarried at 6 weeks a couple of months ago, and since then all periods have felt like miscarraiges. Last month, I started the pill (Ortho Trycyclen-low) but didn't start the pack this month because of the nasty side effects I was getting before. My period was light, short, timely, and induced by sex, but just as painful. Thought I was pregnant, interestingly enough I got a faint positive that happend an hour after the time limit before my period, but later tests said no.
This month, I'm on CD 25, either ovulated on day 12 or 16 so I'm either 13 or 9 DPO. I've had light cramping, bloating, gas, FATIGUE, tiny bit of nausea, a cold, somewhat sensetive nips, and a that dark line on my tummy. I had it right away last time I was pg but I'm not sure if it's from the first
2 answers
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