It would seem that this room is preoccupied with war spending and Party affiliations... The right has been galvanized by a corporate media that spins almost entirely right Including NPR,PBS and CNN, despite the Michael Savages and Glenn Becks of the world telling you otherwise..
Then the folks on the left that defend themselves on here always from a position of weakness, accepting the Oh So Hateful "Liberal" Moniker ???? and then answering or making their own attacks based on this Left/Right Identity crisis...
Guess what, ... America is founded on an equal participation of conservative value and Progressive thinking and social Programs...
One without the other is out of Balance...
War is not the only Issue and Neither is The election in 2008...
The Shrinking Dollar and the escalating cost of living..
Misplaced Taxation
Health care
Planet and Climate Change
Corporate consolidation of Media,
Education standards and costs
Family Farms
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