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Politics - 28 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Is he a wise man in waiting? or a clone of the former megelomaniac? Awaiting to re-amerge with more lies and sellouts of Englands heratige?.

2007-06-28 14:03:12 · 11 answers · asked by wisernow 3

He is the best president this country has and will probably ever have.

2007-06-28 14:03:00 · 5 answers · asked by tom s 1

It is brainwashing. It convinces others that anyone against the war is "anti-American", which is so absurd and untrue as to be laughable. It convinces people that anyone who does not support the "shoot em all, kill em all" rhetoric is not a patriot. It makes Liberals, Democrats, Environmental Activists, Scientists, Animal Right Advocates, Humanists, Hippies, Homosexuals, Foreigners, Minorities, the blue collar working class, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Pagans...look like they are crazy terrorists, or evil. It would be funny if if it weren't for all the ignorant people who actually believe this utter garbage.

Is that not completely ridiculous to you? Why buy into that kind of bald faced and obvious propaganda?

I know PLENTY of people like those I mentioned above who love America, who are glad to be citizens, and are generally very good people. I'm sure you do, too.

Your thoughts on the American War Machine Propaganda?

2007-06-28 13:52:31 · 15 answers · asked by Calliope 5

issue laid to rest. When will the majority of Americans voices be heard concerning Iraq? I say we get a December gift as the troops start arriving home? The tide is shifting.

2007-06-28 13:18:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although Americans will argue, there is a direct link between Bill Clinton 's bombing campaign designed to weaken Saddam Hussein's grip on power over Iraq. The four-day campaign that was to "degrade" Iraq's ability to manufacture and use weapons of mass destruction estimated that the attack "probably led to tens of thousands of deaths" of Sudanese civilians. In "retaliation", a Muslim organization bombed a Planet Hollywood restaurant in Cape Town, South Africa on August 25, killing two and injuring 26. Osama bin Laden also pledged to attack the US again. His refusal
to prosecute Saddam Hussein and his regime for war crimes as Congress urged was neglected due Clinton"s impeachment trial. popular solgans after read MISSION ACCOMPLISED?????

2007-06-28 13:16:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

take them to Disney?

2007-06-28 13:16:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Answer how u think, i just wana see who supports him and his actions, and who doesnt support him and his actions, and be open about it.

2007-06-28 13:10:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what ever happened to serving the public, honor, ethics among governemtn officials? This is not a party issue but a non partisan one

2007-06-28 13:09:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will it exacerbate the global warming or global climate change or whatever they are calling it nowadays? I wonder.

2007-06-28 13:02:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

think then they'd get the hint?

2007-06-28 12:54:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

so, if someone goes to an ER they can get care, even if they can't pay for it...

but someone has to pay for it? Is this why insurance rates have been increasing at an alarming degree?

have you seen the costs of an ER visit? and how much they charge for simple procedures? it's the highest costs in the hospital... and someone is paying for that, for all those that can't pay...

if we already have it, shouldn't we at least make it efficient?

2007-06-28 12:51:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

can't win as executive priviledges has its priviledges
House rejects proposal to defund Cheney AP -

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney won't lose his home, his office and his entertainment expense account after all. The House on Thursday rejected an attempt to eliminate the vice president's executive office budget, a move that Democrats tied to Cheney's assertion that his office didn't need to comply with national security disclosure rules required of other executive branch agencies.

2007-06-28 12:50:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-28 12:50:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-28 12:47:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes I think that this Generation and others coming up will correct what past generations have wronged. Seems that with us going thru all of our parents getting divorced and seeing them use drugs we may as a group be trying to not go that way? I am conservitive to the core and think that there are many my own age that feel the same way I do about Government and morals. Look at History how everything makes a full cicle. You could argue that there have been worse times as far as morals go. Much worse to be exact. Maybe we are starting to correct the wrong? What do you think?

2007-06-28 12:45:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

used in his STU address?

2007-06-28 12:42:03 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

If I got a tax cut, why didn't my paychecks rise?

2007-06-28 12:41:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i sure dont im not republican or democrate i just dont care none of it effects me i was the same when clinton was president and im same when bush is

2007-06-28 12:26:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This questions is posed for liberal democrats. Why is it ok for you and your party to trash talk Conservatives and call us horrible names. For example..because we believe in God we are religious nut cases...But if conservative say something bad about liberals, they are hate mongers? or that we spew hatred?

2007-06-28 12:25:21 · 3 answers · asked by RubyUnicorn 3

Rush Limbaugh Audience Among Most
Knowledgeable and Educated in All of American Media

RUSH: I just got this, and I'm not able to study it and really make a whole lot of sense out of it. It's a Pew survey on who watches television and what the partisan political split of various TV show audiences is and all. You get down to what the Pew -- P-e-w -- survey of this stuff, you get down to one section, who's got the smartest, who has the most knowledgeable audience, and on television -- just listen to what this says. "On television, The O'Reilly Factor, has the most knowledgeable audience, 27% of the audience are college grads, which matches the national average," but, but:

Only three audiences in the Pew survey scored higher on high knowledge than O'Reilly at his Factor TV show. Regular readers of The New Yorker and the Atlantic, regular Rush Limbaugh listeners, and regular Weekly Standard and New Republic readers. I don't know if there's anybody above that. I don't have that, because radio and this stuff is not part of the survey, at least from the website that I'm reading this from. But I have always known it. I have always known that you people are among the most knowledgeable, engaged, informed, and educated people listening to any media in the country today. I think I found documented evidence of it here from Pew, but it's just a little aside in a story about television audiences.


RUSH: I had some time to dig deep into this Pew survey for People and the Press, and it starts out here by saying, "News audiences vary widely in age, education, and how much they know about what's going on in the nation and the world." Then there's a ranking here of various television programs. At any rate: "Judged by their answers to three knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, The O'Reilly Factor, news magazines, and online news sources. Close behind are the regular audiences for NPR and The Daily Show."

It doesn't look good for the major broadcast networks. At any rate, education, age, and knowledge. College grads, this program number two, at 37%. The average age of the audience of this program, 51, and the high knowledge score is 48, and its number two. This program, number two in all of American media in education and knowledge. It is preceded only by the Weekly Standard and New Republic readers, 38% college grads, 38 is the average age. The libs are dragging us down a little bit. Eh, the libs may be dragging down the Weekly Standard a bit.


2007-06-28 12:12:45 · 13 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1

KENNEDY: We know what they're against! We don't know what they're for! Time and time again, they tell us, "We don't like this provision! We don't like that provision! We don't want that part of it!" Well, they ought to be able to explain to the American people what they are for! What are they going to do with the 12 and a half million, erra, who are undocumented here? Send them back? Send them back to countries around the world? More than $250 billion, buses that would go from Los Angeles to New York and back again? Try and find them. Develop a type of Gestapo here to seek out these people that are in the shadows? That's their alternative? That's their alternative!

RUSH: Well, this is laughable. Senator Kennedy, perhaps you don't remember that there was an amendment offered, the touchback amendment, and this is where all of these 12 million (as you say, we think it's closer to 20) but have to go back to their home countries. Now, just how in the world were they going to be found and forced to do this? If we can't find 'em now, if it's going to cost too much money and all this, how in the world...? Oh, oh, oh, I get it! They were going to obey the law on their own. Oh, they knew that. You think that was going to happen? They wouldn't trust that provision for a second, and they know there's no reason to leave, because the odds that they're going to be rounded up are no better than they've ever been, so why? Why go back and touchback when the overriding theory you have is you might not get back in unless you come in illegally. There's so many contradictions in all of this, but we have shouted from the rooftops -- I'm sorry, from the golden microphone, Senator Kennedy -- a we do know what we're for, and that's enforcement of current law. Enforce of existing law! It's not complicated. Here's more of Senator Kennedy.

KENNEDY: And we have a process, er, that said, "Look, okay, you're here and undocumented, and you're going to have to pay a price. We're going to take people that are in the line, that have said that they want to play by the rules. They go and they wait and you wait and you wait and you wait and you wait, and you pay and you pay and you pay. You pay, uh, your fees. You pay your processing fees, your adjustment fees. You pay, uh, not only for yourself; you pay for the other members of the family. You demonstrate that you're going to learn English. You demonstrate that you've worked here. You demonstrate that you're a good citizen. You demonstrate that you haven't had any run on in on crime [sic], and then maybe -- and then maybe -- you get on that pathway with the green card and perhaps in 15, 18 years you'll be able to raise your hand and be a citizen, eh, here in the United States.

RUSH: (Laughing.) Fifteen to 18 years to be a citizen! (Laughing.) You know, this is why it's laughable when they insult us for not knowing what's in the bill. The simple fact of the matter is that there's no need for these people to pursue the path to citizenship because the minute this bill would have been signed, they're legal! You all know all this. We're going blue in the face talking about it. If this bill ever does or did become law, the minute it's signed, they're legal -- after the mythical 24-hour background check. (Laughing.) How are we gonna do the background check if we can't find 'em? But they don't have to pay the fines if they don't pursue citizenship. This really is a disconnect here. I don't know if it's just tone deaf. I think they have, Senator Kennedy and some of these people, such a lofty view of these people that he thinks that they all want to be full-fledged citizens (crying), and that that's what they're dying to do, and that's what they came here for, and we're standing in their way (sobbing), because these bigots and racists and restrictionists and talk radio! All we want them to do is be citizens in 15 to 18 years.

But they don't have to do any of that and that's the only way they get out of paying the fine. We also know that if they did pursue citizenship, it wouldn't be long before the senators would say, "Well, you know, this $5,000 fine? That's bit high. It's a bit punitive. Why, we're taking food out of the mouths of starving children who are someday going to be American citizens." All of this was poppycock. What it boils down to is, very simply, the American people -- you --didn't believe what your elected officials were telling you, and you didn't believe that they could do what they said the bill would do, and that's why I said this is an opportunity. People got a great illustration here of the inefficiencies and the unworkableness of a bloated, over-the-top-size government, and believe me, folks, that's premise I'm not going to abandon. It's going to be a reminder I'm going to continue to make, because that's something that people may not even notice themselves until it's pointed out to them, until their reminded of it, but this was one of the fabulous aspects of all this that happened.

2007-06-28 12:06:17 · 6 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1

all you illegals are still illegal...are you happy that some of our idiots that we intrust to run the country did the right lawfull thing..I am..oh sure W..is unhappy...but I am ready to kick him out..of office..what do you say..thanks...

2007-06-28 11:55:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Conservatives are always accusing Bill & Hillary Clinton of that. Depsite no evidence to back their beliefs.

Yet when it comes to George & Laura Bush it's reported:
Another Bush divorce bombshell exploded when the boozing president confessed to his wife Laura that he has a cheating heart and begged her to forgive him for lusting after other women, sources tell GLOBE in a world exclusive! But fed up with the president's drinking and infidelity, the first lady is now threatening to pull the plug on their troubled marriage immediately.


2007-06-28 11:47:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I often see GWB supporters say he is a good president because after 9/11 America hasn't been attacked by any terrorist. On the flip side, doesn't that make you wonder. If America hasn't been attacked since 9/11, do you think GWB had some involvement with the 9/11 incident? Do you really think GWB is doing all he can to prevent any attacks on America?
I believe GWB uses terrorism as a scare tactic to gain control of Americans. It's the oldest trick in the book. People have been using fear to control people since the begining of mankind.
**Also, I think GWB believes that the fear of terrorism, justifies his reasons to invade American's privacy and the creation of the Patriot act.

2007-06-28 11:40:17 · 51 answers · asked by Liberal City 6


2007-06-28 11:37:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-28 11:36:11 · 17 answers · asked by PRINCE 1

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