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Other - Politics & Government - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government


Are there any autonomous groups in Sri Lanka?? And, name the civil wars or problems that Sri Lanka has. Also name the date.. Tell me everything you can about it..


2007-03-13 10:40:24 · 3 answers · asked by lil_joes_lil_sis70 2

I would think, if liberals are so bad and cause so much destruction of society which NEOCONS will tell you with a vengance (as witnessed by about a million answers by the NEOCONS on here) that europe and canada (two of the most liberal places on earth) would have both fallen by the wayside and imploded. The truth is, they are all progressive and thriving countries that seem to take care of the citizens that live there and those citizens seem to be very happy with their countries and their government.

2007-03-13 10:24:17 · 20 answers · asked by politicallypuzzeled 3

Somebody told me daylight savings was controlled by the goverment is this true

I thought daylight savings was in April not March

2007-03-13 10:16:02 · 11 answers · asked by superwomen 3

2007-03-13 10:11:49 · 10 answers · asked by james B 3

I mean anyone who has over 10,532 points and over 3,000 answers all in support of the Right and Mr. Bush, like one guy who is always on here, has to be a GOP drone.

And only 7% of his answers were picked as best answers. Anyone who spends that much time on Yahoo Answers is either out of a job or paid to sit on here and make the Right look good.

Anyone who tries that hard to make success out of constant failure is either in denial or paid to be stupid.

So, how many of you are GOP paid "Answer" drones?

2007-03-13 10:08:34 · 9 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

2007-03-13 10:03:36 · 4 answers · asked by nutterandbolter 1

I am doing a research paper on Chinas one child policy. Does anyone know of any good sources that i could go to to get some GOOD informtaion. I have "some" information but i know theres more to it than "the law". What happens to these children? What forces does the government use to stop people from getting pregnant? Is there a time line on this situation? Are there any statitics on the population decrease or increase? What have been the out comes/ Basically all the information that i can get..........Thanks :)

2007-03-13 09:54:21 · 3 answers · asked by sweetness 2

They say the Left is against free speech, but yet the Left are not the ones shutting down the free internet. They are not the ones with the paid for mouth pieces of lies like Hannity and Limbaugh - Fox - EIB

They say the Left tampered with elections, yet the Left were not the ones who approached Clinton Curtis and asked him to create software that would flip votes and fix an election.

They say that the Left does not support the troops, yet they were not the ones who sent the troops in without proper armor. They are the ones who want to bring them home before they blown up by roadside bombs because the Iraqi's are fed up with an unjustified invasion and occupation.

The Right claims the left are hurting the "War on Terror" yet they are the ones who shifted the war into Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/11 or the "War on Terror".

So my question is this: Why is the Right trying so hard to twist the facts and paint the Left in such a bad light?

Is it the fear of 2008?

2007-03-13 09:50:23 · 6 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

Review his videos and come back here and tell me what you think.




2007-03-13 09:45:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since I have been on Y!A (even as cincywahine prior to being deleted by "those" people) I have always had a pic of a sea turtle that I took while snorling as my avatar...

Why can't I get it up there now? Where did it go? Is anyone else having this problem? Is it the man keeping me down?

2007-03-13 09:44:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-13 09:35:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have publically proven to stand up for the public!

2007-03-13 09:25:14 · 4 answers · asked by bulabate 6

The American people will see right through this act. The democrats are clearly not doing what is best for America. Now pay attention and read the answers below. The craziest libs will attack me personally and ignore facts. Remember there the tolerant, open minded, free thinkers. Yeah right....

2007-03-13 09:21:20 · 7 answers · asked by chi_guys_gay_lover 2

I think reading this in 5-7 minutes would be better than listening to the news in a lifteime.Plz don't think I'm a very old person.Just 18.A university student studying English who just cannot sit back and hope.
My question is: what percentage of what I say is acceptable to you?
This article has three parts: Culture and general info, scientifical and political, so plz read it from the top to the bottom.
Hi.I'm Iranian and I live in Iran.When I chat with people from other countries, I understand that they have totally wrong ideas about Iran.I just wrote this article to correct you.
The first thing they accuse our government of, is that they don't let you be free.Actually, Iranians would be some of the most liberal people in the world (liberal meaning not obeying laws that they don't like).Thousands of millions of strict rules in other countries, don't even exist in Iran.Also, you should understand that what may seem so normal to you, maybe a nightmare for us and vise versa.That's why you don't understand a few of Iran's laws.In Iran every single house has a sattelite. Sattelite channels have a serious influence on people,the most fashionable clothes are worn by Iranians.Maybe it's a kind of immitation, but still it's got an unique style. People wear fashionable scarves to make themselves more attractive and most part of their hair is out, also it's a part of our culture.They do whatever they wish to and some of the things they do, don't fit our culture at all, however it's normal in Iran, since people have got used to such acts and behaviours.You really need to pay a visit to Iran and you'll be surprised seeing the difference between what you imagined before and how the real Iran is! It's wonderful.The Iran you know, is related to at least 40 years ago.At present, everything's so great if you don't take unemployment into account.Even at that time Iran was not a bad country either, but many things have changed so far.
Some people think music is forbidden in Iran.Did you know that Iranian pop music has won the prize in France in 2005?Iran's full of music and they're all current pop /Trance/ DJ music.The best you've ever heard.I've put some links at the bottom of the page to some Iranian music to download.

Some people think women don't have any rights in Iran! What would you tell me if I tell you that women are now overtaking Iran? They're treated very well, most of the times they're the winners in most cases: They get into the best universities.They get the best jobs.They've got rights that have made it difficult for men to marry them, because husbands seem to be under control of women and they have to buy them expensive things and treat them very well, otherwise women will have the right to ask them a great amount of money which most husbands cannot afford. (so, they can simply sit in the corner of prison! lol).The only thing that women are not allowed to do in Iran is getting into public football stadiums and that's just because IN IRAN, such places are usually full of cheeky guys who would cheek girls.I don't think girls would go there, even if they're allowed to do so.As far as I know, not many girls in Iran are interested in football!

Another funny thing: Your footage about stoning the women who have committed adultery.Have you ever asked yourself they relate to how many years ago?Just for your information, those are from Afghanistan which was once ruled by those freaks (Taliban).I find it difficult to make you understand that Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are SEPERATE COUNTRIES! and thet we're Persian not Arab!And I find it even more difficult to make you understand that Iran is a normal country like any other countries in the world.There's nothing mysterious about it!(The media is very good at making good scary titles: BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS!!! IRAN UNDERCOVER!!! This would be enough to scare people away! Iranians are much more educated,sophisticated, intelligent and open-minded than what you think!!! I'm sure you don't know that there are lots and lots of Iranian geniouses and scientists that are all under 25.You don't hear about their discoveries and inventions on TV. A small example is this 17 year old boy who's invented 72 amazing inventions that the biggest scientists haven't ever managed to.You don't know that Iranian students and spotsmen are winning gold and silver medals in different compotitions in the world all the time such as robotics, biology,maths,physics,anything! Why don't your media talk about them?Did you know that the countries having the highest number of scientists in the world are in this order? 1-India 2-Korea 3-Iran

A few weeks ago Iran uncovered the most effective anti-H.I.V medicine and now it's signing treaties with other countries to export it.I digged the news on the internet, but there was no single sign of that.What I found instead? "Prez Bush CLAIMS that bomb parts are imported from Iran into Iraq!" The media have gone mad.They'd put CLAIMS on the headlines, but they would never talk about facts!Some interesting facts:
Iran is the pionier in medicine and gnetics and Iranian surgens have found lots of new methods for treating spinal defects and many other diseases (mainly the treatment for different types of cancer) and the the best brain and heart surgens are Iranian surgens.The head of Mars Mission in NASA is Iranian.The best designer of sports cars working in Germany is Iranian.Some of the best 3D animators are Iranian.One of the top 5 movie directors in the world is Iranian.(you've always heard about Spiel Berg I think!).Iran is one of the best countries in counter-engineering.Holds the second place in building dams.The 4th highest tower (Milad tower) in the world is in Tehran (which you can visit in the following links).The strongest man (the lift-weighter) is Iranian.The woman, and a song by one of the pop singers who/which won the nobel peace prize are Iranians.It's the only country that has all 4 seasons during the year AT THE SAME TIME.That means while it's winter in one part of it, it may be summer / spring in another part! And as you all know, Iranian girls are famous for being terrific.Persian rug which you all know.Persian literature again you know that is so famous.Persian culture (which is now westernised and only a little has survived!) According to statistics Tehran is the cheapest capital city in the world for foriegners with Dollars of course not for us! (Cos our rate is different) Who do you think is building Dubi?Arabs?No my friends, Iranian architectures, engineers and traders funding them, cos they don't think building the same things in Iran would be beneficial for them, Since the media scare tourists away from Iran.There are many other things.It's endless.
Some charactristics of Iranians would be: Proud, greedy, hard-working, intelligent, ambitious, not realistic, not so religious, not so generous, not punctual, impatient, well-dressed, formal, well-educated, warm and friendly and hospitable.

Some people think, Iran's a desert! Iran's a modern country with very beautiful nature and lots of historical places to visit.Please take a look at the following links and see if Iran looks like what you think or not! (Surely it doesn't!)
This is a photo of Tehran: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Tehran-2-1600.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran

If you like you can visit these too, hope you like them:

It's now 2007 and people still think we are uneducated people living in deserts, riding camels and carrying around guns!!!!
See how the media are fooling people? None of the things you hear on the media about Iran are true.If you think I've been admiring Iran too much, that's because you'd do the same thing if you were looked down nearly everyday for some false reasons.

I thought it's better to clarify some political matters as well:
Some of the Americans I chatted with (not all of them), said here in the U.S it's said that president Ahmadinejad hates the U.S and Israel and wants to nuke them!! This is so odd, their media is good at putting comments.It's easy to show a video or an image of our president or leader on the T.V screen or on the internet and say he says this, he says that.....I really don't get the point why our politicians defame themselves by talking about the things that have got nothing to do with us.Does verbal defence of Palestinians cause them to have a better life?The thing is that they occasionally make some statements that the media would misuse it agaisnt Iran. like picking up some specific sensitive phrases from among a long speech (without reffering to the main points and reasons for that speech) and putting so many bad comments on that.No sane person would take it serious, cos everyone would have known by now that 99.99% of what the media say turns out to be wrong and the same percent of what they predict would happen, never happens!

First of all, Iranians don't hate anyone.If our government complains about some injustice going on in the world, it's not bad.Is it? We don't hate Jews, nor do we hate Americans.They're both nice people.If they're media are fooling them, it's not their fault.If I were in their shoes, I would hate Iran too regarding all the terrible lies they keep hearing about it nearly everyday.Although ordinary Iranians don't care about world affairs, I've got to say that for us Israel is not equal with Jews! Israel is a govt, Jews are faithful people! A few of them live here in our neighbourhood and they live just like the rest of the Iranians.No difference.And two of Iranians parliment members are Jews. Who says we want to force the others to convert to Islam?Have you ever found a Muslem knocking at your door asking you to do so?That's so funny. Christians and Jews are both God believers and respectful to us.I wonder why the media like putting words in our mouth and raising hatred.In Iran, religion would be the least important thing, it means that where you come from and what you're religion is, are not important to us at all.And I wonder why some Muslem countries think there's a problem between Shiites and Sunnies, it doesn't make sense in Iran.

I wonder Iran is a threat to whom? How is it possible for Iran to nuke somewhere while it doesn't have any nukes?!!!(The media have never been intelligent liars).Has Iran ever attacked anywhere?There's no proof of that.That's what even nuclear agency says.Only Iran's oppositions are pulling Iran's leg.What we're doing is legal.What they ask us to do (ignoring our international rights) is illegal and nonsense.

Some say he said: Israel should be wiped off the map! But have they told you the rest of his speech and that why he's said this at all? If you know a little literature, you know that it's a passive sentence.He's never said that IRAN wants to wipe Israel off the map! And he wasn't talking about destroying Israel.He was talking about relocating Israel, so that they could live seperate from Palestinians and they could both live in peace.They've only told you this phrase not the rest of it and it's mistranslated deliberitely.Iran's always defended itself, but it's not an offensive country.While most countries have nukes and are clearly threatening Iran to nuke us! Good isn't it?

Some say he's said: Holocaust is a myth! again this is a single phrase from among a long speech and there are totally logical reasons for saying so.If 6000000 Jews were killed, that's so terrible, but those 300000 Shiite Moslems killed by Saddam aren't important at all! Over 650000 Iraqi people are killed and it's not important! When Fox News simply says: America and Israel are capable of destroying and killing all Iran's 690000000 population, it's OK and no one says they're threatening other countries to nuke them (I saw this with my own eyes on the Fox News web-site) Millions of people killed in Afghanistan, Hiroshima & Nakazaki and vietnam war are not considered human beings at all! Now I think you'd get the point why he's IRONICALLY said it's a mith.Moreover, don't you believe in freedom of speech/mind? I know Americans don't like these either, but what can they do?I hope someday the media would end all this instead of playing a negative role in the world.

Thanks for reading this article up to this point.Now, here's a beautiful gift for all those who have listened to me: Some great Iranian music.
All the links are from our two official music websites. I've also put a link for you to read the translations.Iranian music is a different and the best sort of pop music.If you like you can just right click on them and choose "save target as" to download.I do recommend you to try Iranian music.You'd love it.You can read the translations in here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuU3bcYBNN27yv44GHQIAqwAAAAA?qid=20070303111508AAXhVyi
(I just want you: pop&Trance 2003) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Mansour/Crazy/Delam%20Faghat%20Toro%20Mikhaad(www.Bia2Music.com).MP3
(The window: pop&Trance: 2005) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/03_%20Panjereh.mp3
(Stop world:pop 2006) http://www.sarzaminmusic.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Reza%20Sadeghi%20-%20Vaysa%20Donya/01_%20Vaysa%20Donya.mp3
(Hold my hand:pop 2007) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/09_%20Dastamo%20Begir.mp3
(The wind's kiss:pop&Trance 2005) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/01_%20Boosaye%20Baad.mp3
(Keep me in your memory:pop 2005) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/07_%20Yaade%20Man%20Baash.mp3
(Reveal your visage:pop 2004) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mohammad%20Esfahani/04_%20Talab.mp3
(It's beautiful:pop 2007) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/02_%20Ghashangeh.mp3
(My bride: DJ 2006) http://www.sarzaminmusic.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mohsen%20Chavoshi%20-%20Im%20Sorry/01_%20Arouse%20Man.mp3

2007-03-13 09:18:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-13 09:13:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

the brave Conservatives and Leonidas Bush? Xerxes obviousy represents John Edwards, pretty and flashy with a god-complex, but in the end, riding on the backs of the people. I think, then, Ephialtes represents the US Liberals. Deformed, angry, and determined to destory their leader, even if it means betraying their country.


2007-03-13 08:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does the U.S. still completely refuse to trade with Cuba? If so, how does this affect Cuba?

2007-03-13 08:55:37 · 2 answers · asked by Pelendra 2

I mean Xerxes was a FREAK. Is that what the mullahs look like underneath their robes and turbans?

2007-03-13 08:49:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching MSNBC (you have to keep an eye on them once and a while) yesterday, and two self proclaimed "canadian socialists" (very far left wingers) who used to work with Michael moore were so disgusted by his deceitfull tactics, that they filmed a documentary of their own called, "Manufacturing Dissent".

Has anyone seen it yet?

2007-03-13 08:44:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

See this is the reason we as people are not trying to be a little more understanding it's not only black but everybody why? and i am a black woman so if i make a little spelling mistake this is what i am talking about we find the littlest thing to put each other against each down.

2007-03-13 08:42:18 · 7 answers · asked by shereda b 1

This is just to have a little fun.

A registered Democrat nearby has a billboard in his yard that reads a whole list of acheivements attributed to Democrats such as: "If your child receives a free lunch at school, thank a Democrat".

My own contribution was "If the governement takes 1/3 of what you earn, thank a Democrat."

"If you're afraid to go to jail if you spank a misbehaving child, thank a Democrat".

"If your high school graduate can't read his diploma, thank a Democrat".

Feel free to express your thanks in the same way either sarcastically or sincerely.

So what are you thankful for?

2007-03-13 08:39:30 · 4 answers · asked by sparc77 7

2007-03-13 08:31:39 · 26 answers · asked by preciselyright 3

in 2000 there arose such a clatter about florida...both sides claiming foul.....but in the end.....who one after throwing military votes out? then in 2004 they placed bush up against a joke.........there are no parties for the super rich..,.,,only power, and the need for more.....i feel we should be watchful and cautious.......your thoughts?

this is my opinion, please dont attack it, leave your opinion...i read them all

2007-03-13 08:30:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that the only bad thing you hear about Bill Clinton is that he had a sexual act and then tried to cover it up?? What the heck does that have to do with him as a President?? If you can say you never ever had a sexual act such as he did, then deface the man as much as you like, but to jump on a ban wagon to deface his entire Presidency due to his mistake in judgement and allow a man (Bush) who kills thousands, lies to the the entire american country, has more cover ups then any previous president, steals the presidency 2 times, lines the pockets of big business, lies about his affiliation with the armed services, denies any knowledge of something that passes through his desk, uses a scape goat (Libby) to take the fall for his own doings, uses the excuse of his lies that it's something that he needs to do to protect us from... ignores the UN, and basically the most dishonest man ever to take on the Presidency?? And you go off on a man that had sex during his term?? WOW !!!!

2007-03-13 08:12:07 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-13 08:10:27 · 9 answers · asked by @#$%^ 5

What is the NAFTA??
Do you support it or disagree with it??
Do you have resources to back up your answers??

2007-03-13 08:00:04 · 4 answers · asked by jennbutt20 1

fedest.com, questions and answers