I have had a hamster since April. I saw that they were four quid, and since I had the cage and everything from last owning a hamster, I bought one.
When it was younger, it wouldn't like being handled - and bit. So whilst we did take it out of it's cage often and put it in it's ball, it's not really been handled.
Currently, it refuses to use the wheel that we have put in the cage, piles all her sawdust up to one corner of the cage - and tries frantically each nice to get out (we put her in the ball every other night). Is there a way to prevent her trying to escape so much, aside from letting her go into the great outdoors?
There is the possible suggestion of 'put her in the ball more often' - we have tried that. When she gets returned to the cage, she starts scratching at the top again to get out.
Suggestions please.
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