I know this is nothing new but I thought I’d write it down anyway.
J W Bush is (reacting) just like a “terrorist” In the way that with out their ‘little’ wars, rackets ect. They’re nothing. So they keep on provoking all attempts at peace with their bombings murders, hijackings and kidnappings. Bush has, or is nothing (politically speaking) without his pet phrase “TERROIST”
His whole “campaign” has been based on that word since, luckily for him the 11 Sept. ”happened”
Now he’s on the decline and cannot be r-elected. The only thing he can do is to keep the pot boiling by refusing the Palestinians, accusing the Iranians, siding with the Israeliens and playing with North Corea…because it’s a little too close to China. Generally making havoc in the world… just trying to prove his/a point…. Because like a terrorist, without terror he and his administration would be out of a job… and the Arms (Dick Cheney) and Oil Barons (Bush Family) would lose Billons? Therefore is GW Bush one of the biggest “Peacetime” terrorist’s of all time?
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