It has been very interesting reading the responses positive and negative to Bono's question, which gives a snapshot of attitudes.Most of which have been concentrating on either having a go at Bono,or supporting him,plus natural concerns about problems which either affect us personally or our neighbourhood,or city, or just down right ignorant,bitter and jealous comments.There are problems in many countries to do with poverty,inequality,lack of resources etc and yes we should be concerned.But those that point this out have they tried to help in any way closer to home?I expect some of you have, but some people just used this forum to be down right negative.To start the ball rolling about individuals efforts to help make poverty history, for the record.I am probaby Joe average in that yes, I have donated money as and when I can afford.Bought and worn the white wrist band,written to my Prime minister Tony Blair.Not huge amounts,but I still care and want to do more.Your turn,tell the world.
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