is everyone aware that after last year's offer by Hydro to offer customers who cut their consumption by a certain amount a REBATE, now they are complaining that they have a deficit in revenue, and are looking to hike up their rates? Am I the only one who is outraged by this?? I think it's ridiculous that people actually took it upon themselves to be more responsible with their consumption, made the effort, and now that they've achieved the goal, Hydro is essentially penalizing its customers with a rate increase. What did they expect if they promoted REDUCED consumption and MONEY BACK?? did they think their bottom line would not suffer? I guess they did, so now we have to pay for this?! I think everyone should write to their member of parliament and complain about this blatant scam. This is the kind of thing that makes people cynical about environmental concerns, and about big business and corporations. I for one will be writing a letter to my MP, and I hope more will.
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