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News & Events - September 2006

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Current Events · Media & Journalism · Other - News & Events

(Reuters) - The United States & Syria locked horns on Tuesday, with Washington urging others to join it in imposing sanctions on Damascus,
and with Syria telling America to stop trying to impose its will on Arabs. Syria told the UN General Assembly that the world pays the price when the U.S. government thinks it knows what Arabs want better than the Arabs themselves.

"We'd like to get some others to join us in other kinds of sanctions",Rice told The Wall Street Journal yesterday.
In his U.N. speech, Rice's Syrian counterpart said it was essential that the U.S. and other countries draw up a schedule for withdrawing from Iraq. He insisted it would help
curb the violence there.

"Tragically enough, we all end up paying the price when the decision makers in Washington believe that they know better, and are in a better position to understand and grasp the needs and circumstances of the Arabs," The Foreign Minister said.

Not a "liberal" OR "Republican."Just tired of Condi

2006-09-27 10:06:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Why are someone who will soon have daniella westbrooks nose and her junkie spacer boyfriend given so much airtime and media coverage for such at talentless pair. Those phacking annoying **** mobile adverts when the stick insect says "really" in that phoney accent and who the feck is pete doherty what great song or album has he ever produced, famous for being a junkie. I wish they would just form a suicide pact and overdse on cracj cocaine.

2006-09-27 09:53:41 · 19 answers · asked by asdfas f 1 in Current Events

I'll spot you folks, and give you the two obvious ones, George
Washington, and Eisenhower.Name the four others.

MAJOR HINT: They were all inaugurated in the 1800's.
And its not the coward Grover Cleveland, who paid a poor, hapless
kid to serve for in him in the civil war for $150. God punished him for that one by dying in office......LOL

2006-09-27 09:45:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

2006-09-27 09:36:58 · 8 answers · asked by Ha Ha Charade You Are................... 4 in Current Events

What was the extent and effects of WWII occupation of china; was their a resistance; how did china change as a result of the japanese invasion

can someone try to tell me what this question is looking for?
or tell me something you know about this question

10pts will be awarded to the person who can give me the best results

2006-09-27 09:22:30 · 4 answers · asked by Robert S. L 2 in Other - News & Events


If a tree fell in a forest would the bloke going to pick his snowplough up hear it!!!!

2006-09-27 09:13:50 · 13 answers · asked by pageys 5 in Other - News & Events

some man is holding 5 hostages in the school. i pray that these shooting will stop in schools. it's on fox news right now.

2006-09-27 09:10:14 · 6 answers · asked by tinkerbell 6 in Current Events

there's 2 major 'news stories' today. terrance williams i thinks his name tried to commit suicide and a gunman holding 5 people hostage in colorado right? Y is the news focusing on terrence williams Over the gunman?? terrence is alive isn't he? what is our country coming to!

2006-09-27 09:01:15 · 4 answers · asked by Nikki 5 in Current Events

This is for Canadians only please.

2006-09-27 08:51:43 · 4 answers · asked by erdestapire 1 in Media & Journalism

If the war in Iraq and Afganistan are going so well as the republicans say; why don't they hold their 2008 Presidential convention there?
They should use the same armored vehicles, vests and level of security as they did for our young men and women fighting over there.

2006-09-27 08:47:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

there was mudered in 3rd aug 06. police has taken step to search them once only .but after that no investigation ,no searching . should i bribe them.

2006-09-27 08:44:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

Can you believe the media frenzy over this football player? The guy goes to the hospital with possible issues concerning his prescription and the media/police already have him offing himself. Come on people get the FACTS before you report!!!!!!

2006-09-27 08:44:12 · 11 answers · asked by sicilia 2 in Current Events

Miss Drizla was accused of trying to 'blackmail' two judges one of whom she had an affair with. Could this be a case of the judiciary looking after their own?. Or am being cynical ?

2006-09-27 08:19:11 · 6 answers · asked by Rob Roy 6 in Current Events

believe it or not another Colorado school is under gun fire.....turn on the news!

2006-09-27 08:18:45 · 7 answers · asked by RIA 5 in Other - News & Events

Why do some morons come on here and try and justify having a pet rotteweiler as a family pet and then declare it is safe for their children to play around. They truly are the most stupid ill judged cretins and probably after two awful incidents with these dogs in the last week kid themselves on that they are right. I would guess if two incidents happened like this in the last week then roughly 100 innocent children get mauled per year in this country by devil dogs. These dogs are bred to fight they are not pets. Anyway if you own one of these beasts pray it does not attack children, because i would pray that you get it back in kind through karma. Rant over.

2006-09-27 08:18:31 · 10 answers · asked by gsdfsfdg g 1 in Current Events

This is sort of a trick question as the Marines, being amphibeous,
are de facto part of the Navy, so you really want to include them
as Navy as well. The Air Force was part of the Army till WW2,
after it became its own center of influence.
If you are or were military, try to ignore the collective results of the Army-Navy football game please(Navy leads 50-49 at this time, BTW)

In all serious, which branch, US Army or Navy, carries more gravitas in the present day?
I say Army, just from the sheer numbers of soldiers, but maybe I'm wrong.

I'll be the first to admit I'm omitting the Air Force, but I consider
it a de facto adjunct of the Army, and a pure softing up force
for the Army as well. Plus, the Air Force, as far as I can see, takes
marching orders from the other two branches, if anything.
Well, what do you think? What branch carries more weight,
Army or Navy?

2006-09-27 08:17:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

I herd theres a School Shooting on baily CO right now where can i get some more info on it i seen it on CNN

2006-09-27 08:15:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

You can't sue because you eat the stuff, so what's the point? Are we now being ordered to not eat junk if we want? I hope fast food frachises sue. This is ridiculus. No fat in NYC and no goose liver in Chicago. Geez.

2006-09-27 08:14:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

2006-09-27 08:04:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Why has the military machine in the USA always been under civilian control? Why the disjunct between the joint chiefs of staff
and the civilian secretary of Defense?
I know the constitution is the easy explanation, but I believe
the South American and Central American countries have
checks and balances written into their constitutions as well,
so why have we never had a military junta in the USA?
To what extent is the us military REALLY under control of the
US civilian gov't? Don't we have a lot of revolving door action between defence contractors and the military establishment
and the us gov't itself? How about all the presidents that were
military men, which includes just about all of them?

To put it simply, who is running the show?

2006-09-27 07:50:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

lets create a country. build a wall around it 100m high. let the extremists live life as they want it. no modern technologies. no tv, no phones, no planes cars or nuclear bombs. indoor toilets? probably not. so put all muslims in this country and let them have their sharia law. we will continue to live life as normal, murder, greed, blasphemy, sloth, hunger, etc all the things that makes us us. let them have their islamic state and let them stay in it. if there are no muslims outside of this state then we cant do aything wrong to annoy the extremists. in 200years we will have reached the end of our galaxy. they might have invented disaposable razors

2006-09-27 07:35:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

pants/panties are best to wear....black, white or nothing at all!

2006-09-27 07:27:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

What are some party ideas for a 14 year old??????

2006-09-27 07:20:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

2006-09-27 07:09:29 · 3 answers · asked by sad but cute 2 in Other - News & Events


I wonder if EATING less might have anything to do with it, you know, since lack of self-control has been labeled a "disease"

Do you think eating less work for the people in concentration camps?
Did they continue to keep the pounds on, and continue gaining weight? A strict diet seemed to work for them, or maybe human beings back 50-60 years ago were just 'different'?

2006-09-27 07:09:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

Would they destroy it and ask questions later? Invite the aliens to dine with the President. Call a meeting of the world's scientists. Allow them to leave. You've seen all the science fiction movies. What would really happen?

2006-09-27 07:06:59 · 20 answers · asked by Barkley Hound 7 in Other - News & Events

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