As a young successful woman classified with it, I’m pretty insulted at the level of ignorance and false ideas people have of Aspergers. Ignorant and bigoted “neurotypical” folks such as yourselves are failing to acknowledge that this so called disorder has more good symptoms then bad including high intelligence. Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton both had Asperger’s syndrome. My great uncle and great grandfather had Asperger’s- one was a doctor and the other was an inventor! Did it ever occur to you that maybe one of the main factors hindering our social shortcomings is that our above normal intelligence alienates ourselves from commoners? Growing up, I didn’t have many friends, not because I couldn’t, but because I didn’t want to. It’s not like people didn’t offer to my friend. It was a choice. I didn’t want friends because I was bored by their idiotic activities, whereas I was interested in activities that involved deeper thinking. Years later when I changed my mind and adjusted my attitudes, I decided I wanted friends. It was a big struggle at first, not so much because of the innate factors of Asperger’s syndrome, but because of my lack of social experience. I had a lot of catching up to do. However, my social skills gradually developed with time, and now I could say my social skills are relatively high functioning. And while I have friends now, I still enjoy plenty of peaceful “alone” time, since I’m a naturally solitary person; because that’s what we Aspies are- solitary intellectuals. And I enjoy being this way. Different is not inferior. Not wanting to be conformist sheep doesn’t make us weird. How is that Aspergers is considered a neurological disorder but homosexuality isn’t? How about instead, looking at real problems like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and the breakdown of the American family?( In case you need common reference, Lisa Simpson is a classic example of an Aspie).
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