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Infectious Diseases - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases

i want to know if there is any risk of getting sexual disease even after wearing condom and having sex with prostitute.

2007-10-01 07:49:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend was off school today with a cold, tomorrow i have to sit next to her for a double lesson (1hr 40 mintues) and then another 50 minutes. shes quite a close friend, and she knows im quite paranoid with germs so she's promised if she comes to school that she'll be careful for me, she got like a sore throat sunday, ill today, so what can i do so i cant catch a cold??

2007-10-01 06:37:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The water system in our town was contaminated when a sewer was routed into the water supply. What is safe? I have purchased water for drinking and cooking and doing dishes. What about doing laundry and taking showers? They say it will be a week before we can safely use the water again; is that true? My dishwasher has a sanitizing cycle. Will that work for dishes or should I boil the water and do them by hand? They say we can use the water if we boil it for 1 minute; is that true?

2007-10-01 04:21:17 · 10 answers · asked by Omega 1

I am trying to decide if I will get the flu shot this year, but don't want to do so if there will be a shortage as in recent years. I would prefer that those individuals with greater need than myself get the shot. Any idea how the supply is looking this year?

2007-10-01 03:36:14 · 5 answers · asked by flutterby2474 2

Is there any organic ways to combat fleas, when they get inside of your house?? There not bad yet, the cat is being treated for them as well.

Is there some thing that can effectively be used, to rid those things from the house? some thing, non toxic? Maybe some thing, that can be vacumed up after words??

2007-10-01 03:24:53 · 2 answers · asked by duster 6

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