I know women talk behind backs, about each other mostly, all the time. I am just wondering if they do the same with men. I have hurt a few hearts (mine comes first right?) and I want to move on. I asked a woman out and she seemed very anxious to have dinner, and then after telling a few people about it, and a few days went by, she gave me the cold shoulder. Then it happened again. The woman was positive, checking her schedule in front of me, and now a week later she is cold, after having been quite cordial before. I mean, that was the condition I waited months for before I asked her to go to lunch. Now it seems like she is hiding. I just wonder if it is possible that women are saying bad things behind my back, and if so, what should I do. I assume, from what they tell me, and what I've witnessed, that anytime there is an interest in someone, that they talk to each other about him, assessing through each other whether he is a thumbs up or down, offerring potential status.
1 answers
asked by
Menga M