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Singles & Dating - 12 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-01-12 07:29:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you see a blonde woman?? smart, sexy? dumb??
Give you honest opinion??
What about a brunette who just dyed her hair completely blonde??

2007-01-12 07:26:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have been friends for more than 8 years every time he touches me i get chills

2007-01-12 07:26:06 · 5 answers · asked by hot gal 1

I love her. when I knew that I love her I made lots of tests lots of them were successful then only small thing destroy every thing so and I will leave the town soon so do you thin she loves me .sometimes I thought about something to develop our r/ship and when I asked her to do it she seemed to think of the sam thing . more over I hard to be understood ,but she knows somethings about me more tan I do but I don't wanna tell her I love

2007-01-12 07:25:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

He said he's not sure if it is a date but he's going to the movies with this girl. I want to ask him out anyway. Is that really wrong?

2007-01-12 07:25:11 · 8 answers · asked by Future Mrs. Urie 1

We have been together for a year and things are good but here latly he has been very distant with me there is hardly any sex at all and he dont pay attention when driving or at home. He cant (preform so to say). He says that nothing is wrong but I think so. What could I do? what could I say?

2007-01-12 07:25:08 · 5 answers · asked by dyersburgdelilah 3

i am a beautiful person.. in and out, but find that i've always had trouble with women... for example.. when i was young my aunt despised me... she told me so many unkind things that have stayed with me today! my mother in law hated me... told lies behind my back and laughed in my face. she literally broke my hubby and i up.... my school teachers were discouraging towards my goals, the girls at school hardly ever talked to me, the *** manager at my workplace would pick on me for no reason, another girlfriend spread rumors about me being pregnant when she knew it wasn't true and one of them always says my hair doesn't look right and i should let her do my make up when i don't need it... another girl stopped talking to me because i wouldn't let her live with me knowing that was not my house.. and many more. i only have a few girlfriends.. i am a kind person, so why do women act this way towards me? help, please?

2007-01-12 07:24:20 · 10 answers · asked by get outta here howdy 1

ok i would like to know all the its not cheating if's that ppl can come up with. i know the few from road trip..its not cheating if ur in a diff zip code ect. so tell me your its not cheating if's

2007-01-12 07:24:16 · 9 answers · asked by Angie 24 1

OK i had very bad headache and had had it for 3 days and this guy knew y and he gave me the one thing that would make it feel better(not pain killers somthing different)and he apologized and said its all he had that he would have given me something stronger but didnt have anything else.Im not really his type and im afraid to ask him if he likes me but what he gave me isnt somthing you just give random people.Does he like me cuz i really like him??

2007-01-12 07:22:13 · 8 answers · asked by xASHx 2

For background please check out my resolved question http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aj92r.yNYoaycuu5zaIXZRIgBgx.?qid=20061230154044AAnj0k8
Anyway I was chatting to the girl I like at work during this week. She flirted with me a little at various different times. In my old question I explained how I asked her out and she responded by saying she was sorry that she has a bf, but that I am lovely, she thinks I'm brilliant and she is so glad she met me. Well I heard through the grapevine that things were not goin well with her bf. I was sitting beside her and another girl at lunch. The girl I like talked for 15mins about how much she dislikes her bf, that he is coming back from a trip abroad in 2 days time and she is cringing an the thought of having to meet him. She said she is goin to dump him and that some of the things he has said to her makes her want to be physically sick. I was gobsmacked to hear her talking about her bf like this. I never ask her about

2007-01-12 07:21:22 · 11 answers · asked by K 2

It's been a year & a half since my boyfriend was murdered, & as soon as I move on, i get hurt. I've known him for four day, hes a truck driver & he flagged me down in traffic, just 2 ask4my number, he calls & seems so sweet & sincere. But the thing was I subconscious saw my boyfriend in him. It's like i picked up where my boyfriend & I left off with this new guy. Expectin him 2 be my boyfriend sorta,They were so similar, both of them were older guys (28, Im 19), & both of them were bad-boys turning good.So this four days moved VERY Fast, we were making out in his car & he gave me oral sex. Then he tried to have sex with me but I stopped him before he could penetrate. He didn't seem angry with me at all. But he hasn't called in two days, & when I call him he ignores my call. What gives? He didn't really hit it & quit it, but why is he ignoring my calls? I call him & leave messages asking why he isn't speaking to me? Should I stop calling him?

2007-01-12 07:21:09 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-12 07:20:16 · 7 answers · asked by dj 4

It's been a year & a half since my boyfriend was murdered, & as soon as I move on, i get hurt. I've known him for four day, hes a truck driver & he flagged me down in traffic, just 2 ask4my number, he calls & seems so sweet & sincere. But the thing was I subconscious saw my boyfriend in him. It's like i picked up where my boyfriend & I left off with this new guy. Expectin him 2 be my boyfriend sorta,They were so similar, both of them were older guys (28, Im 19), & both of them were bad-boys turning good.So this four days moved VERY Fast, we were making out in his car & he gave me oral sex. Then he tried to have sex with me but I stopped him before he could penetrate. He didn't seem angry with me at all. But he hasn't called in two days, & when I call him he ignores my call. What gives? He didn't really hit it & quit it, but why is he ignoring my calls? I call him & leave messages asking why he isn't speaking to me? Should I stop calling him?

2007-01-12 07:20:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is this girl, who i like but i dont know if she likes me. she and i have became good friends, i always thought she kinda liked me but never asked her out. now she has a boyfriend but he live like 70 miles away from her and they see each other maybe 1 every week and a half. she has a class with 1 of my best freinds, she told him that she didnt like me like that but my friend said all she does is talk about me, and ask about me and ask what i think about her.
what does this mean? do you think she likes me, if not why does she always talk about me to my friends?

ps my friend said that is ALL she does when he talks to her, also i am a senior in high school if that helps any

2007-01-12 07:19:46 · 15 answers · asked by bigbob33 3

Is it possible for a gemini man to be able to have a long distance relationship with an aquarius woman?

2007-01-12 07:19:29 · 21 answers · asked by moosekid 2

Can i love my coues and kiss him in the muoth. 2 weeks gone bye he straed to kiss me what shoud i do

2007-01-12 07:18:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-12 07:17:08 · 19 answers · asked by Peace 2

My boyfriend used to cheat on me and do alot of other things behind my back. He's not anymore, but part of me has a problem with letting those actions go and moving forward. They have caused alot of insecurities on my behalf and it is hard for us to move on with me still holding on to those things.

2007-01-12 07:16:55 · 11 answers · asked by amanda s 1


is it ok for a 13 year old to kiss his gf?
how about french kiss?

2007-01-12 07:16:48 · 3 answers · asked by ausi 2

How do I tell a guy I am no longer interested in and don't want to go out with him without sounding harsh or breaking his spirit/heart? We had a pretty intense week, very passionate, but I realized yesterday that we have very little in common and I am not interested in dating him. He is a bit younger than me, I got swept up in the moment, realized a bit too late that we are not very compatible or on the same mental mental level. I do believe he is a sweetheart and don't want to end it badly.

2007-01-12 07:16:44 · 7 answers · asked by candygirl 2

She wants to shave my pubic hair with a straight edge razor while I tell her all about the affair I had with her sister. Should I let her, or just shave it myself?

2007-01-12 07:15:17 · 14 answers · asked by obnoxioustroll5 2

I've heard this saying all that time. That couples are usually stay together because that's the best (best in terms of qualities, looks, etc.) they could do. And if they could do better, they would dump the person and go with the better choice. Does this has any truth?

For example: Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Girlfriend sees a better looking guy with better qualities is interested in her. She sees that she can in fact do better so she dumps her boyfriend and goes with the better choice.

True or False?

2007-01-12 07:15:15 · 3 answers · asked by Nicky_Nolstorm 1

6 for me. Just wondering if this is alot or not, or just average.

2007-01-12 07:14:04 · 17 answers · asked by freebird 3

I've been dating this girl for a few weeks now and we have a sexual relationship. The other day we were riding in the car and I leaned over and gave her a kiss, and she told me "I lust you". WTF does this mean???

2007-01-12 07:13:16 · 18 answers · asked by sincarnato 3

we makeout all the time

2007-01-12 07:13:08 · 20 answers · asked by brandon m 1

Men and women can answer this question.

2007-01-12 07:12:36 · 67 answers · asked by Peace 2

I met this girl over the internet, we went out and had a fantastic night. The chemistry is there and we both liked each other. We even maked out and left toghether. I called her the next day and we talked for almost and hour. She called be back two hours later just to say good nite. I like her but don't want to seem desperate, I've been out of the dating scene for 8 years and don't remember if its good to call her every day, or give her some space and wait for her to call me. But then I don't want to give the impression I'm not interested. She's 25 I'm 29. Should I call her every night or every other night?

2007-01-12 07:11:59 · 10 answers · asked by gboptions1 1

My crush is Brandon.

2007-01-12 07:11:02 · 12 answers · asked by mybabe 1

Plz help me out! I think it is kinda funny but it also sucks.
For example: The guy was laying down and almost there and then the door opens and he looses his hard but doesn't finish. The girl is embarrassed cause it was his dad. But the two aren't teenagers they are in their 20's. How should these two people take this? Has anyone been in that situation?

2007-01-12 07:08:25 · 9 answers · asked by lbitsports 2

What do you wear to bed? Sleeping alone, or with a partner?

2007-01-12 07:08:22 · 7 answers · asked by Lemme tell ya... 5

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