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Singles & Dating - 10 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Today, i was having a fun day until, my boyfriend told me dat he wants us 2 be fdz, not gf/bf. So, i went to his house and chill with him. we talked about our relationship and we decied to be fdz.
I was very upset dat we weren't dating any more. So, his homiz came to his house. and i texted him... if i can sit on his lap.. he said ok. s0, i sat on his lap and flirt, later when i was leaving, we kissed. I am so confuse and i want to be wit/him so bad. but, wat do i do next? help.
PS, we had never kissed or been so close as today but we also had broken up too.

2007-01-10 15:56:58 · 3 answers · asked by Angel 2

Most womens r always cheating their partners

2007-01-10 15:56:31 · 5 answers · asked by vinodvpv 1

The answers that I got back I feel that alot of people were upset at me and telling me how could I. But what about her, she is his mother and she doesn't feel guilty about it, and I am her sons best friend so why should I feel guilty ? Alot of people have secrets and skeletons in their closets and alot of older women out there are loney and horny and like younger men too.

2007-01-10 15:55:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im not really a fun person to be around. How can i loosen up and be less self conscious. I just want to be able to have fun with everyone and enjoy my life. Im allways so serious and too in my head. Please lend some advice. I need to become more friendly and more socialable. Thanks for your answers :)

2007-01-10 15:55:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe true love is unconditional. However, at what point does love become blind ignorance? Love can impair your ability to make rational judgements. At the same time, love can bridge the gap between assumption and reality by the way you respond to each others needs (mentally and physically). Is there really a way to guard your heart while giving your all to a relationship?

Talk to me people......


2007-01-10 15:54:55 · 8 answers · asked by 2nd2n0ne 2

some girls talk in a baby voice during the day and think that they are the cutest thing in the world. they even tell boys that they are cute and the boys seem to fall in love with them. why is this so? plz help as this is quite babyish and they need to grow up because it's really starting to annoy me

2007-01-10 15:53:42 · 17 answers · asked by confused 2

there's this guy that i've been flirting with for a year now. but recently we seem to have lost touch. he doesn't call that much anymore but we do talk once in a while. i haven't seen him for 2 months. i don't know if he's just busy coz i know he's working now or he just lost interest. do i tell him that i miss him?

2007-01-10 15:53:42 · 4 answers · asked by unicorn 1

ok well there is this girl and we are in love with eachother, but whenever we start to be happy, something happenes and its always my fault. she also doesnt believe me when i tell her i love her. i think the reason shes lke this because of past relationships( i know what happened in it) and well he wasnt a good guy. he cheated on her and played wih her emotions. now she refuses to believe that i truely love her. i dot know how to fix this. i know for a fact se loves me but for some reason she doubts me.....

2007-01-10 15:52:06 · 7 answers · asked by ka 1

Okay, I'm an 18 year old guy, and I was dating a 15 year old girl (yeah , I was skeptical about it, but she was a nice girl). She had a little crush on me for awhile, and she had her friend ask me out. She thought I was extremely funny, nice and cute...

So, the thing is, we dated for about two weeks and randomly one day she says "things seem weird between us, I think we should just be friends."

She's a shy girl, and myself, I'm sort of borderline shy, if I have something to say, I'll say it.

Anyways, on to my point, I always tried talking to her about what was going on in her head, and she would never really communicate with me, I'd tell her how I felt about things, and she'd just say "well I hope I don't end up hurting you."

We got along just fine, and I'm not sure if it's the maturity/age difference or what, or if she just didn't know what to do.

I guess my question here is, what would cause a girl that is shy to just break up with someone without even wanting to talk about it?

2007-01-10 15:49:53 · 9 answers · asked by J Payne 2

2007-01-10 15:46:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

after being rejected by someone, i lost all my self worth, like i feel no man would like me, when im am friends with someone i just really think of him as a friend and that it must not go somewhere else, when i have a crush , or i like someone i just beleive that he is not the one for me and that he deserves better, and that i will not be loved.
and i am even pissed if someone would confess that he likes me,i no longer want attraction, i get hurt easily , so i refuse to be in a relationship, i can no longer trust men ,or any man to take care of my heart, i feel like if i trusted another man again, it would break my sould and would really crush my soul
im just 19 , but because of this, i dont even attempt to make myself gorgeous, im not ugly or what, i used to join pageants and win them, but now i dont feel like impressing any man with the way i look, if that guy doesnt like what he sees, and cannot relate to me and my life i dont give him any chance at all.what should i do,

2007-01-10 15:45:38 · 29 answers · asked by haringmarumo 6

I recently asked a girl I like out on a date, but she said no for personal reasons. She told me that we haven't really known each other that long and that she wants to wait before dating again. So, how long should I wait till I ask again? Is it pointless to continue with this girl?

2007-01-10 15:44:45 · 5 answers · asked by sparta923 1

My crush's best friend always pulls me and my crush apart when flirting and playing footsy and other stuff I tolkd you about in other questions....Why??

2007-01-10 15:42:29 · 4 answers · asked by hmw95 3

See there is this other guy and i really like him but i remember i used to like jeremy a lot but now i kinda don't like him and i'm thinking it's because of the other guy. I mean i liked jeremy sooooo much that i got really jealous of every girl on his top 16 on his myspace page. Now i'm like his #1 girl on there besides his family. I didn't even ask him to put me as his #1 girl on there he just put me as that. He's so sweet and he can always make you feel happy. If i really didn't like this other guy maybe i would like him but it's so hard not to like the other guy cuz he's hot and kinda sweet and he plays like every sport you can think of and he plays the guitar but it just hurts me sooooo bad that i don't like jeremy anymore!:( What can i do???

2007-01-10 15:42:23 · 2 answers · asked by diamonds_are_love 2

2007-01-10 15:41:22 · 16 answers · asked by Love_Forever 3

I have the best fiance anyone could ask for, a loving family that give me anything i want pretty much..yet i have issues with anxiety and i can be so happy one min..then bam i just wana cry and cry...its getting worse everyday..ever sense i was really little it would take me FOREVER to go to sleep at night because everything around me, in my head, just anything would terrify me..id always think someone was tryin to talk to me in my dreams..id always think random ppl would me just standing and looking at me in my room and it got better for a few years..well the past couple years its gotton bad again...i dont know what to do...someone plz let me know ur opinion...

2007-01-10 15:40:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

, Women look like hell when they get old why is this. Men are like a fine wine !!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-10 15:40:10 · 5 answers · asked by bonny bones 2

as myself i find it rather complicating

2007-01-10 15:38:36 · 23 answers · asked by j 2

my cousin is with a guy that is likke that and she is suppose to be marrying him next year

2007-01-10 15:38:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i nown this girl for 2 mothes and i love her. she has been goin out with this guy she just broke up with him.and i wanna now when i should pop the question

2007-01-10 15:38:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I like this one guy in my class and he also lives like down the street from me. I think he likes me, but i dunno. I really wanna know and tell him to see how he feels, but how do i tell him without just saying I LIKE YOU. I talk to him and all and joke around, but I dont know him THAT well yet cuz im new this year and all. any ideas of telling him and finding out if he lieks me?

2007-01-10 15:37:21 · 6 answers · asked by shortie0609 2

It is a 3 yr relationship. I broke up with my ex back in November, 2006. It was my fault. I said harsh words to her because of her silly question (Would I take a revenge on her if she was not my gf?). She said the question was just a silly one because she was under pressure and not having enough sleep. She never meant it.

I just talked to her on the phone. She said she has someone in her mind now. She always thinks about him. (They haven't got to the bf/gf stage yet). She told me that we will never be bf/gf anymore in the future. However, she doesn't mind to be friend with me again.

It is only 2 months!! I still love her very much. Should I still "try" to be with her again??

I need some HELP/comment.

2007-01-10 15:36:06 · 5 answers · asked by Ocean 1

Why is it that a man cannot see my worth? I am a loyal, nice, pretty, smart and funny girl ... and yet not one seems to recognize it. Wouldn't every guy actually want a woman who's actually worth something? She doesn't cheat and cares deeply for him? Shouldn't he WANT to care about her, too? Girls out there, do you feel this way, too?

2007-01-10 15:35:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How old are you ?
Just curious to what you find attractive in a woman.. What is it that would keep you interrested in her.
One more question while I am at it ? Now that you are older, do you find yourself attracted to younger woman rather then woman your own age? If so why ?

2007-01-10 15:35:10 · 8 answers · asked by Lavender 7

It's basically what I'm doing now, but I'm sure her mother and father know that we're still dating... I don't want it to effect our relationship, which it almost did. I love her dearly and I can wait for her till she gets out of school

2007-01-10 15:34:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been with him for 4 yrs. 1 yr ago he took a job about 2 hours away from where we lived. I own my home and have a good paying job. This move was only supposed to last 3 months, then 6 months, then a year. So then he tells me thathe was offered a management postion 3 hours away but if it was going to cause a problem then he wouldn't take it. I said although I supported him I felt it would be hard and cause a problem. He still took it. Due to our lifestyle this person's family doesn't accept me. So when he took the job it's only 45 minutes from his Sister who doesn't know we're together. So for the last 4 mnths I've only had 2 visits. I get a phone call his way to work & a phone call on his way home. O.k. so now he was able to get an apt. cuase it's hard to get one where the job is at. Now it's like "Are you ready?" I said "for what" he said "to come over here?"
I am terrified. The seperation caused me to go into a horrible depression and I am afraid of going back into it.

2007-01-10 15:34:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, guys i want honest answers ok! what would an average 12-14 yr old boy look for in a girl?
and dont say "for whats in her heart and soul...blah blah
be honest and tell whats you would really want..like long hair ..brown eyes...big boobs( typical guys >.>).

ok thx!

2007-01-10 15:34:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay there is this guy that I dated in the past and he said he still loves me and he said well do you still love me? I was quiet an Then I sed i had a b-f and then he said well i want US back.so choose.Follow your heart...The truth.. I still love him.I mean I dated him for 3 years... But then this guy I am currently with Loves me very much too an would do anything for me...what should I do?

2007-01-10 15:32:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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