ok so my ex broke up with me, and now she wants to be friends (how awkward), so we're gona try and we've made it clear that we are going to be honest with each other 100%..... BUT!!!!
she had given me her password to her email coup months ago, and ive never checked it until just the other day ( i know its invasion of privacy, but still, she gave it to me), cuz i had this gut instinct that she mayhave left me for another guy
i hapend to notice emails exchanged, shes been getting realy seroius (feelings, dates, sexual positoins) with this other guy, who happens to be a good buddy of mine
when i asked each of them separately, each of them said there is nothing going on btwn them, and keep denying that nothings going on
so they are obviously lying to my face, what are my options and what do i do!?!?!?!? do i talk to any of them , what do i say??
thanks in advance!!!!!
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