A new girl started working with us few months ago. she know that I like her( one of my stupid coworker told her indirectly).
As one of her good girl-friend quite the job two days ago, I asked her if she misses her and if I can replaced her old friend and be her new friend, she said she(her old friend) was a good girl, Then asked her what about me? “I am a bad guy or good one?’ she said I am ok...
Then later while talking I asked her, why she is so nice to me, is she only nice to me, or to everybody, she said to everybody, then I asked her that I thought I was special, she said, everybody is special
Then later we were talking about a party at our boss house this weekend, I asked her if she will be there, she said yes, I told her to make plan to stay late. As the party will end at 10 pm, but we will go to nearby famous club.. She said “we will see''
What all this mean.. No interest or she is shy or nervous, . Should I ask her at the party ag
21 answers
asked by
mopugh s