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Singles & Dating - 1 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

....on a conversation with them without them hitting on you?

2007-01-01 16:44:50 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah 2

This is for women in their 30's and 40's

2007-01-01 16:44:36 · 12 answers · asked by BM 1

I like this boy in my class,he is really cute & funny.He talks to me sometimes but I can never have a real conversation with him.I guess because I'm to quite.I would love to become friends with him & get to know him a whole lot more.But of course I dont have the guts to do it.And usally when I talk to my crush I never talk I just nod my head & turn red.But with him I get a few words out & I don't turn red.

2007-01-01 16:44:33 · 6 answers · asked by Stephanie 1

are they wilfs or something?

2007-01-01 16:43:58 · 33 answers · asked by Chad 7

Can we accept a virtual relationship? what about a virtual gf or bf? do u think it will work? tell me what do you think about it?

2007-01-01 16:43:57 · 9 answers · asked by Shovon 2

stop obsessing. youre perfect

2007-01-01 16:41:35 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

he's an outgoing guy and I'm a shy girl... and he always looks at me during class... but I'm not sure if that means anything...

2007-01-01 16:41:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wish my temper could vanish poof be gone

2007-01-01 16:41:04 · 9 answers · asked by DOMINATUS 3

Time doesn't pass. You feel irritated when he/she doesn't call you. There is always restless in your mind.

2007-01-01 16:40:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok here's the deal. I am a teen... and I go to my friends house a lot. Well her dad and i talk a lot and we started to fall for each other. We are honestly in love. He is all i can think about and he tells me the same. He isnt a rapist or anything wierd like that. He said that he cant help but love me. We have kissed a few times... but nothing extreme like sex or something. Is it wrong? am i horrible?

2007-01-01 16:39:45 · 33 answers · asked by softballbabe :D 1

We have been friends for a long time, and she acted like she liked me though She denied that she did. We got closer and closer over a few months, and now, I try to strategically keep some distance and talk to her a bit less. I am not sure if she likes me, but I feel as if I have hurt her by not going forward. She now seems angry with me and hurt. If I truly like her, should I tell her?

2007-01-01 16:38:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

No details. Simple as that.

2007-01-01 16:38:20 · 12 answers · asked by pramon0119 1

I like this girl alot, and she told me she likes me too. But she doesnt want a boyfriend? We have kissed and stuff but she still says she doesnt want a boyfriend. Any Advice? what should i do

2007-01-01 16:37:40 · 17 answers · asked by chris_piaseczny 2

2007-01-01 16:36:47 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

and told you that you're in her fantasies? let's say the girl is hot!

2007-01-01 16:36:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend is a nice guy and has never hit a woman. Last night at Krispy Kreme this girl came up to him and said nasty words.. she said she wanted him and would steal him away from me (keep in mind she has never seen me nor him...ever) she was cursing and we he said he had a girlfriend and was happy she started to hit him (I think she as high something) anyways he asked her nicely to stop .. she didn't.. he through her away from him... the Cops came... the customers and Owner were on his side.. the girl went to jail, but he feels bad. How can I let him know it's not his fault... How to cheer him up? I'm happy he took up for himself and I.

2007-01-01 16:34:28 · 9 answers · asked by Queen 4

I like this guy in my Maths class, we talked a few times and he knows about me. This Wednesday will be the last time we have Maths,then maybe I'll never see him around again. What the hell should I do? What is the most innocent way to ask a guy for his number??! I need his number!!

2007-01-01 16:34:27 · 12 answers · asked by carnation_cz 1

Hey since I have a reputation of being like a sister to guys and never considered girlfriend material, I kind of want to change it because I want to get into a relationship. Suggestions?

Guys find it easy to confide in me and talk with me, about anything from general to extremely intimate. I'm, sweet, kind, guys call me an inner supermodel(if looks were based on personality I'd be a supermodel). I love to help others and listen. Anyway How can I shake that a bit and show guys and attract the RIGHT guys that I am girlfriend material, not just sister material.

If the sister image will help me in the long run how will that help me?

Suggestions please? Especially guys?

By the way I am a 'plain Jane' if you know what I mean.

2007-01-01 16:33:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a guy I've known for several months and have slowly been establishing a good report with him. We seem to have a good connection. Beginning with a party at my place and after I started noticing very subtle flirting signals such as having brief eye contact with him and him smiling. Also at a dance he kept coming up to me and dancing with me but no physical contact at that point. Before that he said twice he noticed me dancing. Then at a new year's eve party we talked again and he got pretty drunk and become uninhibited with his flirtations. He was sobre when we spoke and the conversation was great. Then as he became more tipsy he said he noticed I seem to like eating the strawberries. As he became more drunk he started draping himself over me (he is 6'1 I'm 4'11") .. After I gave him a new year hug he seemed to become very goofy flirty with me the way he danced with me etc.
more intense flirty with me than with others as with putting his face right in mine and squeeze hugging.

2007-01-01 16:32:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I befriended this girl online and eventually went to meet her.
I ended up staying both nights at her place and there are a few things she did to make me thing his in interested.
She would play with my hair, and play with my arms making fun of my skinniness.
As well as Either just stare at me or copy my movements till I had something to talk about or figured out something to do.
and for some odd reason she thought she had bigger hands then me, so we put our hands together and like no one said anything for the longest time he kind of just sat there with both hands palm to palm kind of looking at each other.

Now I’m heading down up in less then 2 weeks.
She is making me plan everything we are going to do. So far iv have a few things but nothing great…

So do you think she is interested?

There is actually lot more i only posted what happened the first night and there are 2 days and 1 night i did not mention, but I can’t post it b/c of the 1k character limit,

2007-01-01 16:27:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

or a hot young jerk, so that she could complain to you about how immature he is?

2007-01-01 16:27:35 · 1 answers · asked by Baddest_Bandulu 2

I got drunk with my friend Luke and might have slept with him. I know I could justcall him and ask but what would I say " hey, did I just happin to screw you last night?"

2007-01-01 16:26:26 · 1 answers · asked by Hola! 1

I'm just worried that he's cheating, Does Anyone have any advice on how to make him more interested in ME and not the other girls????

2007-01-01 16:25:15 · 11 answers · asked by ~*Mrs.Madrox*~ 2

2007-01-01 16:23:38 · 23 answers · asked by amanda r 2

I am 18, and I haven't had a boyfriend that is my type yet. I've had a cowboy, a badboy, and a really shy guy. I haven't had a boyfriend in over a year so please PLEASE help me out!!!

2007-01-01 16:23:06 · 9 answers · asked by tisha s 1

The day before new years eve my friends and i got a hotel room. At about 6 or so in the am the guy at the front desk at the hotel asked me if i wanted to see a room with the jacuzzi cause i told him earlier in the night that some friends of mine were planning on partying there for new years eve. So i told him sure that i would like to see it. We went to this room and i looked around it for a secod and he began complimenting me and commenting on my body, and from the moment he saw me... all that ****. I told him no man, this **** aint right, i gotta man and this just aint right. He told me not to worry about it and he'd take care of me. he kept on touching me and pulling my pants down.i kept telling him no and pulling his hand away. yet he continued. He put my hand and put it on his penis. he told me that i couldnt leave him here like that. Throughout the time he was doing that stuff i did tell him now, however i believe i wasnt aggressive enough. I finaly left and me n friends left.

2007-01-01 16:22:52 · 9 answers · asked by . 3

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