My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 rocky years. I am 29 and he is 28. I have been in a few "long term relationships", most of which I ended because of infidelity or just stagnation in the relationship. Arguing has never really been my thing. Fighting and confrontation are usually last resorts, however with this relationship there is always an argument, and always it is said to be my fault. Most of our arguments center around him having people over at the house. (The house is one that has been put in my hands by my family, paid off etc). He had folks in one of the unoccupied bedrooms, and didn't have the common decency to let me know what was going on. Thus an argument started. I have never lived with anyone before, but this back and forth is really for the birds. How can it be that I have never had any of these problems with anyone else, but constantly have them with him? What is a better way to have my concerns heard?
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