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Singles & Dating - 19 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

normally when a girl gets raped she undergo a series of medical examination.. to get evidence that she was really been abused.. i'm just wondering of how it is done.. if the abused is a Guy?????

2006-12-19 03:30:51 · 6 answers · asked by jesselyn 1

guyz if u break up with a gurl do u still think about them even if u already moved on??

2006-12-19 03:28:54 · 26 answers · asked by rockstar12 1

today at break i sed GEORGEOUS as my crush walked past me and i looked to see if he was looking but his m8s looked at me instead(twice).
Then at hometime he was walking bhind me n my mate and they went infront then wen they crossed over to the shops i shouted SEXY and AGAIN his mate looked and not him!
do u think he didnt looked cuz he knows i'm on bout him and he got his mate to look instead or wot?


2006-12-19 03:27:28 · 31 answers · asked by SophieKayy 2


My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 rocky years. I am 29 and he is 28. I have been in a few "long term relationships", most of which I ended because of infidelity or just stagnation in the relationship. Arguing has never really been my thing. Fighting and confrontation are usually last resorts, however with this relationship there is always an argument, and always it is said to be my fault. Most of our arguments center around him having people over at the house. (The house is one that has been put in my hands by my family, paid off etc). He had folks in one of the unoccupied bedrooms, and didn't have the common decency to let me know what was going on. Thus an argument started. I have never lived with anyone before, but this back and forth is really for the birds. How can it be that I have never had any of these problems with anyone else, but constantly have them with him? What is a better way to have my concerns heard?

2006-12-19 03:27:17 · 6 answers · asked by prettydebutante 3

You never realize what you put your family through. When you commit this heinous act. My twin brother committed suicide. I miss you, brother.

If your out there, friend, and you know who you are, read these words. Ultimately you will do what gives you peace. But always remember, the dark is never as dark as it seems.

2006-12-19 03:26:51 · 18 answers · asked by Doug Church 1

another girl and wait till she has finished with her boyfriend
and get with her ?

2006-12-19 03:26:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

What should be topics? What make her scared of you?

2006-12-19 03:25:55 · 2 answers · asked by Confuse_Guy 1

2006-12-19 03:23:34 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-19 03:22:38 · 33 answers · asked by Eva 2

2006-12-19 03:20:55 · 30 answers · asked by Baby Jessica 2

My girl is 22 and Im 21, she seems to always want my attention focused at her but she doesnt want my immediate attention. She wants to be #1 but not center of everyone. If I say or do something she doesnt like she ignores me like a Im the child. When we have a problem she refuses to talk about it until Im so fed up with trying I dont even care about it anymore, then she wants to write me an email or a note. I've talked to her about how important communication is and opening up to one another if we want the relationship to work and she will then open up by telling me a lot of things she would never want anyone to know in a letter. I tell her we cant be together if we cant work things out and she immediately says fine lets not be together. But then she broke up with me once and woke me up in the middle of the night(long story) to apologize with sex. She is the baby of the family and has had a lot of unfortunate things happen to her but can she grow out of this, I love so much of her.

2006-12-19 03:20:15 · 13 answers · asked by 1authority 2

Girls, give me some sign whether Im overreacting or do you think shes seeing someone else? BTW, its a long distance relationship

1.Lately she's alwyas coming up with excuses on the chat room that shes busy or something
2.Doesnt show much interest anymore. as if its mundane or soemthing.
3. not pursuing calls
4. hanging out with friends more than wanting to talk to me

On the brigth side:
1. she still show intimacy as always. you know, XOXOXO, kisses and so on.
2. returning email and explaining why she was out or was nto available.

Im a little confused people. sometimes i feel like shes making things up. sometimes i dont. What do you think. And how i should approach this?

2006-12-19 03:18:27 · 8 answers · asked by Confused 1


are you home alone & why.

2006-12-19 03:18:19 · 40 answers · asked by arthur3home 3

I have been engaged for 2 and the half years with this guy that's in the military, and we have been going through a lot of problems in the last few months like calling each other names and so on like that it has been getting really out of hand. So just last week I told him that the relationship is over for good and I am going back home and he said that he is cool with that what ever make me and my son happy, but soon as I told him he went right a way and book me and my son's tickets, it seems to me that he want me and my son gone. But what I am really thinking that is he cheating on me or is he not.

2006-12-19 03:18:01 · 7 answers · asked by wenwen 2

send me pleasse

2006-12-19 03:17:17 · 4 answers · asked by Deepak K 1

2006-12-19 03:16:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Couple of friends of mine are getting together for a trip. And we would like to go, to a place where we can meet a bunch of girls and..... have a good time ;))))))

2006-12-19 03:16:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to admit that i am not ugly. Why no guys like me? Why guys that I love doesn't love me back? I am so confused.

2006-12-19 03:16:39 · 4 answers · asked by happygirl22 1

One of the men is my best friend of many years (we are trying on a relationship) the other man is my best friend's best friend.

2006-12-19 03:14:17 · 60 answers · asked by knihappy3 2


the same thing what i do when i smile she smile a little when i have a same face she has like the same face. onetime she was siting the same i sit at chruch. and chruch was over she look at me for long. that know her sis is looking at me know to. if she did have a boyfriend she would have not do this right?

2006-12-19 03:11:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

well my bf got me some jewerly & i really dont know what to get him. can someone please help me?????

2006-12-19 03:11:41 · 26 answers · asked by taylor f 1

please help me with my relationship!! my boyfriend want to marrying when i'm 18 right now i'm 16 well.. my birthday in 2 months (2-22), he's 20. he want to marrying with me.. i don't know is he right for me or what?? should i go ahead and marrying him??

2006-12-19 03:11:15 · 24 answers · asked by Smiley 1

my d**k wants to meet your jane? is that a possibility.

2006-12-19 03:10:33 · 14 answers · asked by ken s 6

when me and my boyfriend are on the phone he tells me he loves me more than five times. i will just be talking and he will say i love you. He has come from a broken home, and his dad died when he was nine and he hasn't seen his mom since he was 3. He was in a group home since he was nine and just got out. we have been together for a few months and i love him and all i am just wondering if he really loves me. i am pretty much all he has. what do you all think?

2006-12-19 03:10:26 · 7 answers · asked by Fresca Jesca 2

well he always drinks but he's in the army so you got to love right but but i lost my most precious thing to him ???

2006-12-19 03:08:14 · 9 answers · asked by kelsey c 2

i am in a relationship ...its 3 yrs old..iam 23 and she is 21...problem is that iam a SC and she is a jaat from rohtak...the problem is she is sayn is that we dnt hav future..and i told her that iam sc after 1 year and she ws dissapointed..she said its not possible..iam sayn tht i will handle evrythng but she is nt ready...she ws very small whn her fathr died...and her mom bought her up...no 1 supported their family...how do i convince her... i knw she is thnkn abt her family bt i cnt live without her ...please help me...and i want to knw are rohtak jats are obc...bt she is sayn its wrng...i dnt believ in caste but she is...hw do i make hr understnd

2006-12-19 03:07:36 · 7 answers · asked by unknown 1

What is the worst that could happen??ur boyfriend braking up with you for ur best friend or for ur worst enemy???

2006-12-19 03:07:31 · 5 answers · asked by Xtina12 2

Do u think its fated? soulmate?

i got to know this guy recently and i only found out that we were actually in nursery school together.. same class !! coz in the were looking through old photographs togehter and in a class photos he was just rite beside me ..and to imagine we were close and played together when we were younger...i mean i forgotten everyone one from my younger days
its been like 20+ years before we met again as we are both working around the same area now and only recently he approached me .. coz he felt some kind of connection when he 1st saw me ... but he was not sure..he told me he was searching for me all these years..
is he for real?? any thoughts

2006-12-19 03:07:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please help. The other night me and my friend got drunk together as we were getting ready to go out. She tried on a belt n i told her it didn't really go with her outfit so she threw it on the bed and carried on gettin ready. She lay down on the bed for a minute snd said "how far do you dare me?" while she was pulling itround her neck. All her face went red and I tried to pull it off her and stop her.
After that I couldn't look at her or speak at her, I was just horrified.
She then started telling me she has no control over her life and this is the one thing she has control over.
She started crying and collapsed in tears, I hugged her and she whispered "promise me you wont leave me" and i promised her i wouldnt.
the next day I tried talkin 2 her about it but she won't let me in close enough, even though I want to help her and be there for her.
I know most of you will say "just make sure she knows u are there for her, try ot talk to her" but I have and it honestly doesnt work.

2006-12-19 03:06:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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