Ladies, in your opinion which type of guy would you reccommend for your friend if you were to set her up on a blind date and why would you choose who you did? I need help deciding. Here are the potetial candidates:
1) Downhome Country Boy loves to show & raise horses. Knows value of $. Has always had to work for everything himself. Loves to drink whiskey & have small house parties. shaggy brown hair & goatee. Weight~ 200 Height~6'0
2) Uptown Chicago Gangsta~ loves to flaunt money, expensive clothes,& flashy cars. Long black hair,tounge ring, tattoos, & cocky attitude. Also a BIG drinker/smoker. Weighs ~125 and~5'6.
3) Sloppy Hippie Guy w/ never combed long sholder length hair, baggy pants, and always a tye-dye shirt. He weighs about 270 and is about 5'7. Plays guitar, smokes, drinks like a fish. Very Smart, though.
4) Nerdy Chemistry/Video Game Lover~ Very Smart, but never had a girlfriend. Long curly hair, tan, Italian, w/ glasses. ~ 160 & 5'6. Drinks occasionally.
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