Obviously God should be first. I know that, but my boyfriend broke up with me a little over a week ago. Basically, he said he would stop talking to his ex, but then changed his mind because they share mutual friends. He spent a whole day trying to work that out in his mind. He told me he couldn't choose between those friends and me. I was foolish and asked him if he had to choose, who would he choose? He couldn't make the choice. Then when he broke up, he said he could never even hypothetically choose "someone else" over them. Basically, I'm just "someone else" to him.
I got back together with him and I still love him, but I can't put my trust into him completely because of those words. We had talked about marriage, spending our lives together, and when it came down to it, I was just "someone else."
Should someone who is going to be your wife be second-best to your friends? Would he change his views if we were married? If we had kids?
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New mommy 2010!