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Singles & Dating - 22 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Hi plz cud ANGEL EVE help me again!!!!! only a few more questions!!!!?
ive got 1 more question to ask you.

if my friend did have feelings towars me before but now doesnt, does this mean that it is my fault that i didnt realise how i felt towards her then?? when i realised how i felt towards her i found out that i had actuallt ALWAYS felt the way i feel about her but for whatever reason i just couldnt admit it.

anyway if she did like me but doesnt now - thats a "crush" isnt it?? if so then maybe i shouldnt feel guilty because we wouldnt have still been going out now - but we will always be friends.

my only other concern is that if i told her my feelings then she would realise how she actuall felt towards me. but i cannot risk our friendship as she means the world to me.

if we are destined to be together, does that mean that whatever happens we will? im worried the she will only be the "one" if i tell her how i feel. but losing her would kill me so i cannot tell her of my feelings as this would dent our friendship.

plz help angel eve luv tom

2006-11-22 06:47:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know how to attract him... How should I be to attract him?
How would you seduce boys?

2006-11-22 06:46:47 · 13 answers · asked by yashar 2

2006-11-22 06:45:48 · 6 answers · asked by khabc147 1

Ive had a boyfriend for over a month and i still havnt told my parents. Im nervous on how they'll react. How can i tell her??!!

2006-11-22 06:45:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

***im talking out to a club or other after hours social event

2006-11-22 06:45:15 · 20 answers · asked by MsNic 4

I hate when my guys does this to me..it really pisses me off..when we see each other, which is everyday but for a few minutes because we are at work..he acts so sweet and want to hug and kiss me..then there are times when he acts like I dont exist or like he doesnt want to speak to me...I will start doing the same sh*t to him..It really urkes me....should I be upset?

2006-11-22 06:45:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

is this an abuse? hoe? plz expln

2006-11-22 06:44:41 · 15 answers · asked by trexen 1

I am 39 and have gone out twice with a woman who is 15 yonger than me (24). The last time we went out, she told me I was too old for her and that she wanted to "just be friends". However, not 20 seconds later we got involved in some "fooling around". Im totally confused now.

2006-11-22 06:43:25 · 10 answers · asked by captainkirkwood 2

I am 26, bald (with a shaved head) and am wondering how i can tell if a girl likes me. I'm not bad looking. For example, lets say i'm in a bar can i just walk up to a woman and talk to her? Is being bald a massive turnoff for a woman? My confidence is a little low at the moment.

2006-11-22 06:42:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-22 06:41:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-22 06:40:43 · 5 answers · asked by Fruitful1 3

2006-11-22 06:39:05 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ fÄtimÄ ♥ 2

I've been with my current girl for about 6 months. In that time, I have not been able to achieve orgasm with her. Never had this problem with anyone else before, and I'm only 30 and everything still works. It doesn't matter how long we go, I just can't quite get there. Close, but not quite. Have you guys ever experienced something like this and what did you do to 'cure' the problem? No, I'm not gay, and yes, I still wake up in the morning at full mast, etc. Everything works, except the finish. What the hell??

2006-11-22 06:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by kjhenkel 2

I'm looking for someone to share my life with. How do i find that? All i seem to end up finding is older men that aren't right for me.

2006-11-22 06:38:23 · 25 answers · asked by tward1989 2

my friends came up to me and told me this exact storie....

this gurl likes this guy...but this guys ex .. that gurl still has feelings for this guy...now that gurl hates her former friend this gurl

do any of you even understand this cause thats just out of mii league!!!


2006-11-22 06:38:14 · 4 answers · asked by lola bulregard 1

My ex boyfriend cheated on me numerous times with one person. I left him. 2 months later he is trying to get back with me saying how he wants "us" to work out. He came out and was honest with me about everything and allowed me to ask questions without him getting upset. However, there is allot of damage now. I told him it would take allot of time to get my trust back with him. I dont know how long exactly but I told him I dont want to be in a relationship with him until Im sure I can trust him. But Im worried that while Im trying to search myself, he is still out doing his thing until I decide to "officially" get back together with him. Wondering this is hurting getting back with him. He tells me he'll wait, but we've tried this before and he's met someone else and was intimate with them. I love him but how do I know if he's changed?

2006-11-22 06:37:47 · 22 answers · asked by TORN BY MY HEART!! 1


What physical aspect do guys love the most?

2006-11-22 06:37:44 · 15 answers · asked by mzvirgo19 1

Why or why not?

2006-11-22 06:36:54 · 17 answers · asked by Red 2

What do guys like? What kind of outfits do you like? What things about girls make guys go crazzy?

2006-11-22 06:36:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know what to think?
It seems everytime I go out with my girlfriend she always has to talk to guys for her friends. I dont know why I should let this bother me b/c the first thing she mentions is me. I have talked to her about it and she says that shes not interested in these guys at all she just trys to get her friends to talk to the guys. I have tried to get over this but I cant. She does this everytime we go out and I just want to hang out with her sometimes w/o her talking to every guy in the bar. She says she likes talking to people and thats it, shes not trying to hook up or flirt with anyone. I dont know what to think. Sometimes I think I am a jerk b/c I dont want her to talk to guys for her friends, and sometimes I think its kind of rude to be doing it in front of me. What do you guys think?

2006-11-22 06:36:28 · 8 answers · asked by Jimmy W 1

this boi and me broke up we are kind of friends but lately he has been goin out with a couple people and he seems to be tryin to make me jelous and i can tell and now i dont want to be friends with someone who is goin to try to hurt me and he seems so angry at me 4 not be jelous should i le him go as a friend or just comeplety out of my life

2006-11-22 06:36:16 · 26 answers · asked by keanda g 3

and why is it so easy to break it? i feel in love not just a normal love this boy saved me from suicide.i just fell for him and he said one day after we dated 3 months that he loved me and wanted to be with me forever i was willing and stupid and believed it i wanted to trust again believe in some one to believe in me.we had fell for each other hard he did everthing for me to make me happy and more. well i got my first kiss. for his birthday i made him a cd with all his favorite songs. well wene school was out for summer he would walk a mile to come see me and we went on double dates with my best friend and her boyfriend.we went to the fair were we made out for what seemed like hours a led to my first love bite.i broke up with him for reasons and found out he had sex and was getting married but he had cheated on me and never acted diffrent why cant i trust any more i think all men will do this to me i want to fall in love but i am still in love and dont know why. he hurt me.

2006-11-22 06:36:04 · 3 answers · asked by feelings_mutual 2


he says that we cant be together right now because he has a secret life that no one can know about and he is scared for my safety. i know he is hanging around some gang people who stay in trouble a lot...couild it be that he really IS scared for me? or is he just feeding me crap?

2006-11-22 06:35:43 · 9 answers · asked by sassy 1

Ok so there this hot girl that works with me.Ive only been at this firm for about a month and a half.I see her from time to time.Im on the 2nd floor and shes on the 37th floor so i hardly see her.but i want to get to know her some more and become freinds with her.shes really attractive so im asuming that shes either seeing someone or has a boyfriend.should I ask her out to lunch or should i just forget about it?

2006-11-22 06:34:46 · 10 answers · asked by CuriousJorge07 3

I am with my bf now for 2 and a half years...he works overseas now and the day he went we ve bin strugglin but sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesnt but i love him a lot...but bcoz work is pressuring him a lot he keeps hurtin me today he told me F*** you just like that:S and than quick after it he said jokin baby:S swearin at me is becomin more and more easy for him than before am shocked...he didnt pick up after he said this until now:S and he done this 3 times before and the next mornin he says sorry i fell asleep....ive got my doubts about him he cheated on me before...sometimes i feel that i wana leave him and i keep tellin him that but I CANTTTT AM TOOO WEAK i dont know what to do....am losttt.....what can i do to fix this relationship

am heartbroken for 1 year now ive bin cryin almost every day....

2006-11-22 06:33:58 · 17 answers · asked by sara07 1

i was in a relationship and we were gonna get married next year but a week ago i was hanging out with this guy from work. the guy was drunk and i tried getting him off of me but he kept holding me down. well the reason my boyfriend left me was because i didn't tell him that it happened right away. anyways, he's with another girl but the thing is we both love each other. should he forgive me and take me back

2006-11-22 06:33:13 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I turned 18 in September and I met my girlfriend who's 15 the same month. She didn't want me to stay with me cuz she didn't want to lose me to some other girl when i went to school. Now she wants to be together while i'm away at school but i don't know if i want to be this serious and hold on to something i'm really not sure about. She told me to do whatever makes me happy but i know she's happy with me and said i'm not like any other guy she's ever been with. I know i'll meet other gurls and everything and i may even be happier with one of them but i feel bad for her cuz she lives in a bad town and wuz in relationships that she just got used in. I'm a virgin myself and never did anything with her and don't plan on it. I don't want to mess around w/ her and break up and make it seem like I wuz using her cuz that's not me. I just need to know if I should let her go.

2006-11-22 06:31:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would love to know how to hypnotise a woman

it would be good

2006-11-22 06:31:20 · 17 answers · asked by David 2

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