Holly has dated Pete for 1 year and went off to college with him, with the intentions of getting a degree and then getting married. Then, with no asking her opinion, Pete decided he is going to join the Navy. Their relationship was pretty much one-sided, with Holly always being taken for granted. So she decided to break up with Pete and pursue an attraction that was lingering for the past 2 years with Nate. In everyones eyes, Holly and Nate are the perfect match. Pete was excepting of the break-up, stating that is what he wanted., until he found out Holly was seeing Nate. Then Pete begs Holly back and she goes. Then she decides to break up again, but only lasts one day and goes begging back to Pete. Nate, in the meantime, is sitting back and going to wait for Pete to go off to the Navy, hoping to get back with Holly. BUT, Holly thinks she should stay with Pete and wait 6 years for him to return. She has abandonded her family, for we are not in favor of this. Help!
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