My whole life it has always been very easy for me to meet women and carry on more than just a conversation with them.I have tried the online dating services,nothing but fast women there,bowling leagues,charity events,Las Vegas,workout rooms,nothing but sweaty miserable women there..I am befuddled.
Most women I am attracted to are either too young(I am 46),are in relationships(have boyfriends),they are gay(more than one I have met are),married,or just plain not interested in me..(I know all the signals..I read all the books).
The bar scene just doesen't do it for me anymore.I have assembled all the women in the last paragraph with that enterprise.
I have even tried ( yeah I admit it)..going to Bingo..ughhh I can't believe I admitted that.
I have updated my wardrobe,got a haircut,and am trying not to look "desparate"..just trying to be "cool" and hang..but so far nothing..
Where is my MOJO?
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