"It's, I want to start ballet, not "I wanna start ballet." Learn that the ballet is culture and using terms like "wanna" is definitelly ignorant beyond belief. So is "gunna," and "bcuz." Do you pay ANY attention in school? You sound illiterate! If you are over 5' 6", you will probably be out of luck in the long run. Also, you can weigh no more than 100 pounds if you ever want to do this professionally.
Give your "all" to some grammar lessons first, then worry about ballet. And your "all" does indeed include stringet diet, exercise, running, weight training, and loads of other hard work. Got it?! "
kittyrogers answered to one of my questions and this is what she had to say.
kittyrogers shouldnt be giving advice to anyone.
my answer to her is this.
listen here. im in all honors class at my school. and i do use proper english. i wasnt asking for a grammar lesson i was asking a dance question. this was uncalled for and i work hard in school and for you to say that makes me very mad. i relax on the computer because it is cyber talk. not face to face. i want im sorry from you "kittyrogers". and anyone that thinks im wrong please tell me
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