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Other - Family & Relationships - 14 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

My ex-boyfriend is interferring with my new relationship. Just so happens, my boyfriend just moved into the same apartment complex as my ex. The ex is starting major problems and I don't know how to end it.

2006-06-14 08:11:17 · 4 answers · asked by DaBossLady 1

As a couple, spending all day every day together ( hours and hours, as opposed to a quick date now and then) for several months straight, is it leading to an unavoidable break up?, cuz we would get REALLY REALLY sick of each other ( mostly from a guys point of view) or is it rather a good thing cuz its means we're getting to know each other well. I dont know, what do you boys think? How soon do guys lose interest in girls if theyre around them that much?

2006-06-14 08:06:32 · 6 answers · asked by Jackie 4

you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend over some B.S you love that person so much you want him back but he still loves you but he says he wanna be friends for now .Now you love him so much you cant wait and its tearing you up inside what should you do?

2006-06-14 08:06:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-14 08:06:05 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't help her much, and now she says she needs to see if she still has feelings for me. She says she doesn't love me anymore and that we don't have what other couples have the closeness. She misses the hugging and kissing and cuddling and at one point even wondered if I really loved her. We slept in the same bed for 2 months before she finally moved out when her apartement was ready. Now that she is alone we share the kids boy 8 girl 10. She calls me for things that arent that important and we are like best friends when we talk. She requested that I let her make the first move, I want to respect that but how long should I wait. I think she is haveing a hard time being alone, because she is always hanging with her sister or her best friend and doesn't really go home except to sleep. We have been married 15 years but the last few its been all about the kids. She told her sister she knows Im a good guy and a great father but doesn't know why she feels this way. I love her and want her

2006-06-14 08:05:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

actually today something very unusuall had happened to me
my bf , i mean we meet very frequently after my shift ,which ends in morning and i visit his place and even when he feel sleepy he get up and drop me till where i can take taxi to go my place but today when i said i have to go he said go ,,,,,
an d i went alone i felt bad but he called me up in afternoon and said he is sorry and he felt bad and he said that as he was not well and had taken some medicines so he was drizzy ....

and then i said call me later im sleeping bye was i WRONG?

2006-06-14 08:03:51 · 6 answers · asked by jiya 1

for girls only

2006-06-14 08:03:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend iver some B.S you love that person so much you want him back but he still loves you but he says he wanna be friends for now .Now you love him so much you cant wait and its tearing you up inside what should you do?

2006-06-14 08:03:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday, My boyfriend came over and we were in my room and we were laying on the floor, watching and movie, and kissing, what most teens do. Then my mom opened the door and we moved really fast, she didn't really see the whole thing, so she goes to my step dad and says that he was on top of me and she didn't know what we were doing. So my step dad called me over there after my bf went home and asked if we were having sex, which we weren't there was a lot of yelling and cussing and he said if u want to be a lil whore then get out of my house and go live with your real dad. Me and my boyfriend are scared to know what will come out of his mouth next. So what do I say to him where he will believe that we weren't doing anything wrong? He's the type that always thinks he has to be right! so please help me!

2006-06-14 08:02:40 · 22 answers · asked by Love always Heather 1

If A gurl says your perfect, how do you know she actually means it? or w/e? I'm curious!!

2006-06-14 08:01:52 · 19 answers · asked by James S 1

I need to know

2006-06-14 08:00:54 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok. me and my boyfriend are long distant and yesterday i found he had a tagg page and these girls who been tagging him as their boyfriend yet he didnt tell me. i want to tell him in a nice way, that i know about this, where i wont lose it but i dont know how to bring it up

2006-06-14 07:58:59 · 19 answers · asked by vinnie 1

My guy is a spitter..out the window..on sidewalks..in malls..etc..geeesh!..=)

2006-06-14 07:58:55 · 2 answers · asked by *toona* 7

I know it sounds horrible, but I have been attracted to my cousin for some time now. Don't get me wrong; I'm as disturbed by it as you all must be. I figure it is some sort of desire for something taboo, but whatever the reason, I'm becoming obsessed with seeing her naked. I'm really worried that I'm going to ruin some holiday and be ridiculed by my entire family when I finally get caught trying to look down her shirt. I think that if only I could just see her nake, I would finally satisfy my temptation and realize that it is wrong and be over it. I want to limit the awkwardness for her as much as possible, so I thought pictures would be easier for her than actually having me in the room with her while she's naked.
Helpful answers only, please. I already know you think that I'm perverted or immoral or whatever.

2006-06-14 07:57:32 · 24 answers · asked by thisemailisasfakeasparishilton 1

2006-06-14 07:56:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay ive liked this guy for a while, and i wanna tell him, obviously
i wanna write it in his yearbook, but i dont know what to say witout being too upfront, or whateverr
any ideas ? thanks

2006-06-14 07:52:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok iv sorta asked this q already but i need more answers.
rite, the guy i've loved for a year, i was tokin to him on IM and i told him i liked him and he said that one of his best friends really likes me, and that he likes someone else.
now the other guy is tryin to ask me out.
how do i get the guy i love to love me? do i give up?! keep tellin him i love him? pleease answer!

2006-06-14 07:49:20 · 5 answers · asked by confused 1

I mean if you have a pretty lady there with you then why do they have to look at the next booty or pussy walking by. I'ts very disrespacetful and not right.

2006-06-14 07:43:33 · 25 answers · asked by neyeslady 1

I have been with this guy since october.....I have never cheated or lied to him....We always argue becuase of the clothes I wear...I think I dress fine and so do the girls I work with....I dont dress slutty.. I like to wear guochos, but my bf says that they show everything or wearing a t top that accidently shows my bra...he thinks I want attention from guys, which is not true....I am pregnant now so I wear stuff thats comfortable but he still yellss at me...and he thinks every guy I say hi to, I have slept with...which is not true...this is all we fight about, he thinks i want another guy..blah blah blah he is so insecure but I love him dearly and want to have his kid

2006-06-14 07:39:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok see we do keep are hands off each other but its like this if you get one you get the other . Our friends have been with us alot lately and we have been together , it seems that we can only spend time together when we are with our friends . So now our friends are getting mad b/c we are always together . they want to spend more time with my girlfriend , even though they were my friends first they rather spend time with her... What should i do to be more friendly?

2006-06-14 07:38:50 · 9 answers · asked by brittany_ables2003 1

i was going out with this guy and he said he loved me and i said it to him.. but then i found out that he was cheating on me and then i found out it was with a man and he had turned gay but i still love him... is that bad that i still love him!?!!?!?!?!

2006-06-14 07:33:01 · 4 answers · asked by Kia 2

My 15 year old doesn't want to go visit her dad. Can she just say she doesn't want to go? Also, what if my 10 year old decides he doesn't want to go? What are my options?

2006-06-14 07:31:20 · 5 answers · asked by Tammy M 1

Well iv been with my baby's daddy for 4 years and I've only been with 2 guys my whole life. I'm (21) should I settle down with him? or will I regret not having lived a little? I also was never a partier as a teen.

2006-06-14 07:21:46 · 11 answers · asked by tkay 1

2006-06-14 07:17:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-14 07:15:47 · 15 answers · asked by Sunrise Otter 2

2006-06-14 07:15:21 · 11 answers · asked by dalton 1

Eirlier on i asked a question about a girl that i am in a relationship with and i found a condom in the toilet. i have had good response and i have asked her what was going on. She said that she got drunk and her friend asked her the next day if she was alright. My GF said y. her friend said that her drink got spiked and she didnt know what she was doing. She couldnt remember the night b4. she asked me to call her friend and ask. that kind of makes me believe her but im not sure. She told me who the bloke was cos she woke up the next morning and he was there. she kicked him out in his underwere. Shall i do anything about it?

2006-06-14 07:13:51 · 20 answers · asked by jamseyb 2

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