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Friends - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Friends

So i've been hanging out with these people for about 2 years now, and in the beginning it was awesome, but then they started making fun of me. But not just making fun of me, they'd litterally bring me to tears, never in front of them but in private. I started to put up a wall and now that i have they say they dont want drama and i guess they think i bring drama so they dont really talk to me when i'm with them anymore. should i try to be friends with them again, or be alone and forget about them?

2007-03-22 21:59:53 · 10 answers · asked by PoeticPieces 1

2007-03-22 21:50:38 · 13 answers · asked by UNIVERSALCIRCLES 2

2007-03-22 21:45:33 · 6 answers · asked by Tia 2

She thinks she's ugly, fat etc and doesn't understand why anyone would like her or want to be with her.
She's more or less a recluse and doesn't come out of the house much, although she has seemed to get a little better the last few days.
She's upset that she can't have sex either (because she freaks out that she's ugly and doesn't enjoy it) and thinks that she'll be this way forever.
The thing is she's not ugly at all, in fact she's quite pretty. She isn't doing it for attention either she genuinely has self issues.
I don't know what I can do to help her anymore, I've told her she doesn't need surgery and she's fine how she is but it goes through one ear and out the other.
I'm sure she wants to change, she's said she does but I'm not sure I know how to help her.
What can I do/say to help her confidence, it's wearing me out trying to help her when it doesn't seem to be working.

2007-03-22 21:42:59 · 17 answers · asked by Rainbow-Taster 2

He's super, but I have to maintain my sanity. This girl is trying to come between us even thought she has her own boyfriend. Why won't she just mind her own business? He tells me to stand up to her and be strong. He tells her that I know what he and I have together. We call each other Baby and it goes right through her. She threatened to beat me up if I didn't stop. She's "sick of me"...How does she think I feel? I came home nauseous tonight after an altercation with her.

2007-03-22 21:33:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-22 21:26:51 · 2 answers · asked by saint2mas 1

i need some advice to give my friend. she has been friends with another girl for almost 7 years. then, a new boy came to her school and the other girl was only friends with him for about 2 months and then he got expelled. every single person in my friend's class are moping and upset he's gone and are really ignoring her completely. he deserved to be expelled because he kept using bad language towards my friend but everyone is taking his side and are saying he diidn't deserve it. when i heard my friend's side of the story, i agree with her but what should she do? when something like this happens, it doesn't go away for a long time and she will remain upset for a long time because her best friend chose a boy he knew for only 2 months over a best riend she knew for 7 years. please give me some advice i can give her.

2007-03-22 21:06:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and do i WANT to know? if it's gross, just tell me it's dirty and don't elaborate thanks

2007-03-22 21:05:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oh my goodness, I was in my friend's room and I caught her spying on me through a mirror in the living room that reflects to her room BECAUSE I was also looking at myself in the mirror too! I can't believe she would think I would steal from her and she saids that she consider me one of her closest friend. Should I confront her?! BUt she's really like dramatic though so ???

2007-03-22 20:59:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-22 20:57:54 · 9 answers · asked by Tia 2

2007-03-22 20:56:37 · 2 answers · asked by Tia 2

2007-03-22 20:50:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-22 20:48:05 · 11 answers · asked by UNIVERSALCIRCLES 2

listen, i want to make my friend curious with a picture of a cute boy so she comes over to my house. thats it. and i want a picture of a cute boy on a website or link. so please help me. this is so frustrating.

2007-03-22 20:44:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

check this out...........!!

2007-03-22 20:39:51 · 17 answers · asked by sxc_vj88 1

can some1 can help me out to present my feelings to her.

2007-03-22 20:36:09 · 5 answers · asked by mohammed_mohsin19 1

Ok i had girl friends.and we've had already 3years friends.She's my best friends.But lately i feel sick to talked to her because i think thats she might be lie on me about
everything she's says.for example.2 weeks ago.........

She says, she got this freaking weird disease thats make her eyes, nose,ears,throats bleeding so badly and she have all the oxcigen, I.V e.t.c. all around her body. i buy it and felt so sympathy wit her.but the weird thing is how can she reply my email if she at hospital and with all those thing on her body.
I already asked her how did she reply back my email.she says dats the hospital had internet facility.then, i felt like i been cheat by her. Where on earth the doc will gave the computer to the patience thats sick right.

Now i felt like i'm really dont wanna talk to her but i need you helped and opinion wats shoud i do....btw she make me looked like a fool.

Shoud i tell her bout wats im feeling and tell her thats i already knew dats she lying???

2007-03-22 20:00:17 · 9 answers · asked by danial rulli 2

hey I was wondering is there anyway for me to find somebodys email address on the enternet?I realy need to find my momma cuz I havnt talked to her in about 8 yrs.

2007-03-22 19:50:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My question is do I come clean, even though I have no idea who my son's father is or do I keep quiet?.I love my hubby and 1 of his brithers, his step-dad is OOOHHHHHHH my God HoTTTT and his friend.....drool, drool, drool.
He wouldn't know unless I told him, he has NOOOOOOOO clue! I see them all like 9X a month still!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-22 19:49:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

how come when guys(friends,brothers, cousins)watch porno movie together they feel confident, and comfortable of watching together, but when us girls watch porno movie together it just doesnt feel so comfortable(like girls try to show each other that they are not into it or not interested) I just cant get it>

2007-03-22 19:49:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know how to fight! I dont want people saying go to a teacher... How do you fight? what are some good fighting tips? How can I beat the crap out of this kid because she ruined my life? I've never got in a fight before so how can I beat her so it actually hurts? Help!

2007-03-22 19:33:41 · 5 answers · asked by SmexyAAF!!! 1

she always says im her best friend and tonight she invited some people over and then rubbed it in my face while i got yelled at by mom for not going to soccer because i didnt feel well...like she is really bad about this kind of stuff

2007-03-22 19:28:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

for nice/beautiful girls and handsome young boys over18
boys and girls have to have a webcam to have more fun

2007-03-22 19:14:14 · 4 answers · asked by handsome 1

My roommate does this all the time and he tells me it feels really good on his skin so he decided to sleep in them at night.
He does not give me the impression that he's gay though.
He's just different..I guess ??

2007-03-22 19:12:42 · 15 answers · asked by Boulos 2

This girl at school is pretending to like this guy so she can get me mad, all day yesterday she was saying how she wanted to beat me. I've never got in a fight before and all I want to do is beat the crap out of her, How can I do it? How do you punch and kick so it hurts?What are some good fighting tips?

2007-03-22 19:07:09 · 9 answers · asked by SmexyAAF!!! 1

2007-03-22 18:59:25 · 6 answers · asked by Charmed 1

Theoretically Speaking-
Say your very best friend, since birth- Who has stuck by you when even your family didn't had a big secret.

Her father was a major drug dealer. Not just a bit of Pot here and there but, Millions and Millions dollars of Hardcore drugs pass through him every week if not day.

Say, You found out on accident and, Now you understand how your friend's family is able to maintain thier lifestyle,
And all the little things that you never understood made sense.

Would you turn her family, Specifically, her father in?

What If you knew that It could Ruin, Literally, Ruin her life?
She would Not be able to finish collge, Her car, her home, her family would be taken away and she would be engulfed in scandal?

Your best friend who never betrayed you, who was more of a part of your family that relatives by blood, Life would be ruined If you informed the cops.

What would you do? Sacerfice her for the greater good?

Or just let what may be, be?

2007-03-22 18:56:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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