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Movies - 3 September 2007

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Gary Oldman, who has made a living playing bizarre, evil characters, plays a murderous police detective named Norman Stansfield in what movie?

2007-09-03 23:05:49 · 27 answers · asked by nancykep 3

Black and white movie you have seen.

I recently watched 12 Angry men and it was spectacular.
I also watched witness for the prosecution.Fans of Csi and Law and Order would love these films

2007-09-03 22:17:49 · 7 answers · asked by boobooloo 4

Is it because I've grown up or because today's horror movies just don't crack the chill factor? The last scary scary movie I saw was Candyman. And that was a decade and a half ago!

2007-09-03 21:54:58 · 32 answers · asked by Stephen P 2

2007-09-03 18:56:07 · 2 answers · asked by todd u 1

I said I plan to watch Justice League New Frontier more than 20 times. The next poster responds who by the way usually always gives me problems and tries to piss me off comes as a crude think he knows it all @$$hole that if you are watching cartoons doesn't call them animated movies more then 20 times you are wasting your time. When the hell did crude @$$holes think they are such experts? If I watch an animated movie it isn't repeat, repeat, repeat, it's one time during the day then I go on with my rest of the day.

2007-09-03 18:54:20 · 10 answers · asked by Jason C 2


2007-09-03 18:50:03 · 4 answers · asked by RexD 1

O.k there was this beutifull bloned girl that turn into a maniquen when she put a neckles on its a very old movie best answer to who can tell me.........Please. P.s Dont diss about my spelling

2007-09-03 18:42:08 · 6 answers · asked by Yaneli Z 1

2007-09-03 17:58:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I know this is weird, but I finally rented the movie, The Phantom of the Opera and I felt completely odd, like when you see your parents make out kind of a type of a thing. I do like chick flicks and romance but I just felt kind of on end and I felt goosebumps all over. I was wondering if anyone felt the same way if they watched it and am I ok? :S

2007-09-03 17:55:04 · 7 answers · asked by Candy 7

2007-09-03 17:26:44 · 20 answers · asked by ? 3

the only thing i remember about it (and i could be off cause i was really young when i saw it) was that it was about this pregnant woman who was taken in by this family, and when her baby was born, the family members started misteriously dying (the young siblings and such), and the baby was killing them apparently. i know the family had a young set of twins that died and i know that the movie ended with the father seeing this woman in a crowd of people with a new family and it shows him trying to get thru the crowd to warn them of this woman. any suggenstions would be helpful, but before you all answer, i don't think that the baby in the movie was an alien or anything and i don't think the movie is "Kill, baby, kill". desparately waiting your answers. Thanks!!

2007-09-03 16:31:00 · 3 answers · asked by daisytrain 1

A friend of mine dropped off a few movies earlier today and I've only heard of one out of the 6 I have. The list of the movies is;
Casino Royale
Dream Girls (the one I've heard of)

What I want the opinions on is IF you've seen any of these movies, which one(s) and what did you think of the movie(s). I'm not asking what it's about, I could go to imdb for that. I just have no idea which movie to watch first and am interested in the opinions of others that have seen one or more of the movies listed above.

2007-09-03 15:31:24 · 15 answers · asked by AnotherLostSoul99 2

I keep thinking it was called a knights tale, but that isn't it. It takes place in the medival time period though. That is all I can remember about it though. I watched it when I was in junior high or early high school, so probably around 1994-1996ish. But i dont know if it was new then or not.

2007-09-03 15:05:27 · 11 answers · asked by FallenAngel 2

Love Joe Dirt. What do you think about the movie. Be kind I'm very sensitive.

2007-09-03 15:03:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw it years ago. I was 16, and the audience was 100% kids and teenagers. It was right after "Kentucky Fried Movie." that was shown earlier in the theater. I saw both. The audience was ages from 10-19. Wild evening!!

Kids today think Knocked Up, Wedding Crashers, Superbad, etc. are really GREAT because of the racy words and things people say about bodies. NOTHING compared to what we watched "back then" as kids. Few words, ALL visual and nudity.

And yes, Superbad and Wedding Crashers were REALLY FUNNY. I did not think Knocked Up was THAT funny.

2007-09-03 14:55:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

so im only a little shy, but i looove theatre, any ideas to help convince my mom?

2007-09-03 13:54:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

and her dad was predjudice?

2007-09-03 13:53:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know what movie is coming out January 18, 2008? In the preview it is only like a home movie and stuff crashing to earth.

2007-09-03 13:47:03 · 3 answers · asked by conkers 1

Mine's Terminator.

2007-09-03 13:43:02 · 12 answers · asked by Geary 3

I seriously want to know.

Does anyone know or is it just one of those things where it's supposed to leave you in suspense?

2007-09-03 13:40:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder if this is going to go to theatres. I saw a advertisment for it on dvd with up to 5 discs. Probably will buy the 5 disc set with the carrying case.

If it does hit theatres, will yuo go see it? I would love to see it for once in theatres. I wasnt old enough to go see it when it first came out.

2007-09-03 13:38:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would it be a 'horror', a 'comedy', a 'chickflick', 'dark and dirty' or 'Disney'?

PS; I've got a bet on, that loads of you say porn?

2007-09-03 13:31:18 · 8 answers · asked by BLUE MOON 3

my friends and i where having a conversation about the best movies in the 90's we ranked them as ..
1. Pulpfiction
2. Shawshank redemption
3. la confidential
4. goodfellas
5. fight club
what do you think they are is there something were missing?

2007-09-03 13:11:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the movie what are those guys with the long helmet and gigantic kitchen knife?

2007-09-03 12:56:50 · 4 answers · asked by Balrog 2

My picks would be Forrest Gump (Pulp Fiction should have won), or Dances w/ Wolves (Goodfellas should have won this one by a mile).

2007-09-03 12:35:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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