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Movies - 3 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

In what movie is the character Lucas Barton? (Hint Powerglove....all 97 games.)

2007-09-03 12:35:05 · 3 answers · asked by Balrog 2

hi just wondering if anyone knows about dhoom 3? apparently there are lots of stars in it, do you know anything about it u can let me know? thanks!

2007-09-03 12:05:33 · 6 answers · asked by Tu_Jahan 2

Extra points if you can name the film

2007-09-03 10:59:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

that isnt too old?

2007-09-03 10:33:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone noticed that the victim in horror movies always locks him/her in a room when running from the bad guy?!?! How come they don't make the movies more real and jump out a window or something? Has anyone noticed this?

2007-09-03 09:26:14 · 5 answers · asked by mickeys.girlfriend♥ 4

i need to find a funny ish film that i can stream offline, any suggestions?

2007-09-03 09:04:10 · 4 answers · asked by jml2531 3

well my friend told me about this movie and it sounded interesting but she didnt remember the name of the movie and she didnt see all of it

She did tell me this:: it starts out wth this guy who had a bad childhood because hes gay and the guy he like in high school teased him too much
but one day his crappy life turned weird (hes old already)
all of a sudden he gets thrown back in time back to his high school days. BUT when he goes back in time EVRYONE IS GAY
his parents the guy he likes Everyone
and hes all freaked out cause his parents are making out with same sex people
and the only reason a guy and a girl do it in the movie is to have babies and keep the humn species alive

and the guy is freaked out and wants to go back to his old time for some reason....

does anyone know this movie??? whats the name?

2007-09-03 08:59:25 · 3 answers · asked by ஐﻬ уαмι ηι cнιяυ ѕαкυяα ﻬஐ 6

what was the name of the movie where it starts out as a cartoon fairytale (thing) and then changes to reality..like into a normal movie. it is about a princess that gets thrown into the real world..by an evil witch i think????

I'm not sure i never saw it...and i believe it came out not that long ago..please help.

2007-09-03 08:47:25 · 5 answers · asked by anna 2

Rate it from 1 - 10
& Explain why you liked or disliked it.

2007-09-03 08:42:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats a bollywood movie.. what is bollywood?
haha i keep hearing the word and have NO clue what it is..

2007-09-03 08:37:43 · 7 answers · asked by loveeeeyou. 3

i herd ther is gng 2 b a hm movie? is it tru?

2007-09-03 07:56:59 · 24 answers · asked by Emily 2

I really want to become a famous actress. And, I know that soudns cliche, but it's true. I see these girls in hollywood these days who are famous for partying and junk like that, and then here is me, so close to age as them, but actually wanting a career, and to do big things. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be in the movie business. It just seems like it will never come true. My brain is tellign me to get over it, but my heart is telling me to continue on with it.I know that you should never give up on somethign you can't go a day without thinking about, but I am just not sure if anything is possible anymore. Some advice please?

2007-09-03 07:34:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Do you agree with the idea that the Bushman society that says they do not know greed or envy? Why or why not?

2. Do you think this movie was difficult to accept for any groups of people?

3. Why is the courtroom scene for Xixo so important for demonstrating the differences between the modern world and the Bushman society?

4. Is this a memorable movie? Why or why not?

2007-09-03 07:29:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Went and saw Death Sentence this weekend. First off I was shocked with the reviews this movie is getting it is just being Slaughtered on rotten tomato (16% approval rating) people going as far as calling it “An old-school exploitation picture” (which makes me wonder if they have ever seen an exploitation picture in there life) So not expecting much I went and saw it with my hubby and my parents and WOW this movie was really good. The acting was good, the story line was good, and it was believable (well as believable as any movie can be). The whole movie revolves around this family and this gang there is a lot of character development so much so both me and my mom were in tears towards the end of the film (we had become that emotionally attached towards the characters). There’s not a lot of filler and no pointless why are they there characters. Even though my mom and I were sobbing like little kids the movie had a good amount of blood and gore (flying body parts always make for a good movie) and despite the slow character developing beginning the end is very high action and kept my husband on the edge of his seat. There is a lot of deep seeded morals to this story (not in your face enough to spoil the movie but if you care to read between the lines they are there) my dad came up with the best moral for this movie “Don’t piss off the guy in the suit”. All and All I Loved this movie and so did my Family and maybe 4 people can’t over come the hundreds of bad reviews but I say give this movie a chance you might like it, you might not, heck you might cry like a little baby like my mom and I did, heck if your squeamish (not desensitized to gore like me) you might just throw up.

2007-09-03 07:06:51 · 4 answers · asked by Vanessa 3

2007-09-03 06:57:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


why cant mikel myers die?

2007-09-03 06:48:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-03 06:19:43 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-03 06:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by some1 some where 1

2007-09-03 06:12:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do. But then I'm a freak and find myself intrigued by some of the things the directors have to say about the movies as they are being made. Does anyone else ever go back to a movie & watch it again just to listen to the commentary?

2007-09-03 05:35:13 · 7 answers · asked by uncleclover 5

2007-09-03 04:50:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never really been into sci-fi, like star wars and stuff, but i'm really interested in finding some movies about alien contact and stuff. I remember watching the movie "Contact" when a few years ago when i was like 10 or something. I really liked that one. You know how theres like that type, star wars, and the actual "alien" as in AVP alien movies? so yea i like the first type. Any recommendations?

2007-09-03 04:45:22 · 8 answers · asked by ferrarij891 1

I want movies that are feel good and appropriate. An example would be Amelie (only that doesnt work because its R).
Im looking to show them at school.

2007-09-03 04:32:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


does anyone have any good tips on how to use the secret

2007-09-03 04:27:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean not just situations but also dialogue and physical comedy.

2007-09-03 04:16:17 · 14 answers · asked by AjitPD 3

I'm very intereted in seeing it becuase I thought it looked good.

2007-09-03 03:54:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been two weeks in a row and it was terrible. I love to munch popcorn during the movie and this is a big disappointment, especially with the prices they charge for it. Next time I'll just get a coke.

2007-09-03 03:28:04 · 1 answers · asked by Doodles 7

2007-09-03 03:24:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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