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1. Do you agree with the idea that the Bushman society that says they do not know greed or envy? Why or why not?

2. Do you think this movie was difficult to accept for any groups of people?

3. Why is the courtroom scene for Xixo so important for demonstrating the differences between the modern world and the Bushman society?

4. Is this a memorable movie? Why or why not?

2007-09-03 07:29:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

2 answers

"The Gods Must be Crazy" movie questions?

1. Do you agree with the idea that the Bushman society that says they do not know greed or envy? Why or why not?

I think envy is universal.. even the animals have it sometimes.. greed.. well,.. to an extent they would have that as well.. but it would be fairly minimal, since in a tribe situation, everyone contributes.. one failure and everyone could die..

2. Do you think this movie was difficult to accept for any groups of people?

No.. it's a comedy that is so over the top that I doubt anyone could be offended..

3. Why is the courtroom scene for Xixo so important for demonstrating the differences between the modern world and the Bushman society?

Because, even though the translator could help a little.. over all he had no clue what was going on.. it wasn't a matter of language, but the CONCEPT that he did not understand. The concept that someone OWNED an animal was redundant to someone who doesn't even know what it is to own something.. let alone another living creature. This trial went on even with no one understanding what was really happening.. he didn't understand them, and they didn't understand him.

4. Is this a memorable movie? Why or why not?

Yeah.. but not for anything really tangible.. it has to be one of the only comedies where the leading role has no real speaking lines.. (he did little more than run and click.. ) .. I do have to say that I like the second one more than the first.. because you see more of his devotion to his family.. and the scene with the pilot being followed by a badger was great..

2007-09-03 08:08:04 · answer #1 · answered by kaijawitch 7 · 0 0

Where there is no private property, there can be no envy or greed. The only people that may have trouble understanding it, may be the capitalist, for they have been told (trained) to get get get, the sky is the limit. The answer is obvious. It is a memorable movie, I come from a society that to this day believes in sharing. in being honest and always be at the ready to lend a helping hand, without expecting rewards, or something in return. And That, makes me feel good.

2007-09-03 14:43:36 · answer #2 · answered by Roberto 4 · 0 0

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