I've been wanting to see the film V for Vendetta since it went into theaters but one thing has always made me hesitate: the violence of the film. I know that it has an R rating, however, I've been told by many people who can handle gore much better than I can that it isn't nearly as bloody as the rating suggests. I normally trust these people with such matters, but I'd just like to get a few more opinions on it.
If it helps to show how good I am with gore, I can't watch any operation part of a medical show (and I'm a serious House-head) without feeling light headed and I thought I was going to throw up when I saw the scene in Hook where Rufio is killed. But I'll add that I'm also pretty good at knowing when to turn away and when to look back, so if it's at least slightly hinted at a split-second before, I can handle it.
9 answers
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Lucky Star