A guy walks in to Baskin Robins and asks the guy if they sell ice cream there.
The guy says "of course"
The customer asks if he can have a gallon of chocolate, a gallon of vanilla, and a gallon of strawberry.
The employee responds by telling the guy that there is no more chocolate left.
The customer says "ok then I will take a quart of chocolate, a quart of vanilla, and a quart of strawberry"
The employee says "Sir I don't think you understand, there is no more chocolate"
The customer was like " Ok then I will have a pint of chocolate, a pint of vanilla, and a pint of strawberry"
The emoloyee was frustrated so he asked the customer if he could spell the "van" in vanilla
The customer said yes V-A-N
The employee was like ok how about the "straw" in strawberry.
The customer said " S-T-R-A-W"
Then the Employee was like now can you spell the "F*ck" in Chocolate"
The customer was like there is no F*uck in chocolate
the Employee was like " Thats what i've been trying to tell you
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Jokes & Riddles