It seems Paula Abdul doesn't give totally honest criticism of American Idol contestants. To her, every performance is great. Even the other night, when that Indian kid had an awful performance, she wouldn't admit it was a bad performance, and instead talked about what a "nice guy" he is. It was funny when Simon Cowell asked her "yes or no" if she liked it, and she beat around the bush, and Simon said "in other words, you didn't like it." And Paula didn't object to it.
When a performance is obviously bad, she'll just compliment the person's personality and choice of clothes, but won't actually critique the singing (which is what the competition is all about).
Randy and Simon gives honest criticism, despite the "boos" from the crowd -- and I respect that about them. Paula Abdul must be concerned about what everyone thinks about her. She's not really adding constructive criticism, when she says the exact same thing for every performer.
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