Okay, Heres the deal I have reasonable cause to get The What Should I Do Questioner behind Yahoo Bars! LOL!
The recap of all my findings can be found under The What should I do Retard's questions found in here in Polls & Surveys Do not answer this question if you are not into silly simulations or are the TAKE everything serious type Bleah! All my finding are in my answers! Start from the top and then go down! and After you are done! Answer my Question! Jail or Bail? and for TWSIDR it was all fun and games! until someone got hurt and NOW IT"S HILLARIOUS! (due to the graphic nature of this "Fake" case, I want you to know that Any simularties to anyone dead or alive or to any real case ever seen or heard of are by coincedence only * just a bunch of fun and sillyness! Rememeber to answer Jail or Bail and give your reasons BEST ANSWER GETS 10 Points!
Your Friend Always BLUESUEDER
2 answers
asked by
E.F. Landeros
Polls & Surveys