A void, a missing shadow, a presence no longer there. Cold, wet and hungry, the baby whimpers. Within the first six weeks of life this child had been abandoned by his mother, twice. Loss & uncertainty are already becoming etched into his subconscious, however the ever changing sounds, smells and touch, appear to remain constant for the time being. Born into the lower working-classes, P is the youngest of 5 children to be raised alone by their Father. Working class snobbery, labels the family as Social Scroungers & clearly defines their background & station, as sub-human. P’s life struggle is dominated by three simple but clear priorities. Staying warm, dry and free from hunger. P is well aware of his degree of poverty, he’s outwardly come to terms with not having pocket money, going on school trips & waring castoffs way too small for him. Inncedents of abuse & 2 stints in orphanages, prostitution & drugs did nothing to quash his relationship to God, else he'd never of made it.
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