I am taking my PA real estate exam, and all I have to do is select a date. Option 1 is to take the test about an hour and half away at 10am or 2pm in a location I am unsure of or about 45min -1 hour away at 9am or 1pm in a place I am more familier with. I am not a morning person but I know studies have shown that people test better in the morning. Also, the test that is farther away is on a monday vs the closer location which is later in the week. Taking a test like this is similar to the nerve-wracking experience of say, the SATs, and other high pressure test. I am also not a good test taker, and I get very nervous. My question is what time and location do you think is best to take the test? Is it better earlier in the week at a somewhat later time in a some-what unkown location, or earlier in the day but later in the week where I know where I am going? Also, I was planning on going to a movie or something on sunday when my boyfriend can go and relax over the weekend. Thanks!
1 answers
asked by
The Hollow Girl