As with "His-story",whites have greatly altered and distorted Original Christianity -even burning original text. White men knew what they were doing when they put together 'False Christianity at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. Thus the murderous emperor Constantine had the words "In Hoc Signo, Vinces". written above the crucifix. Which means what?
Violence is used by these whites when deceit is ineffective(wars,bombings, lynchings,police brutality,and assassinations.
" Black Mentacide" as describes by Bobby Wright in "The Psycopathic Racial Personality" is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group's mind with the ultimate purpose being the destruction of that group.The chief methods are Education, TV & Media, and Religion.The majority members of white False Christianity are people of color around the world,all held in control under the sign of the cross.The crucifix is a symbol of death and domination over people of color.Jesus was a blackman(a revolutionary) like me.
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Higher Education (University +)