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Programming & Design - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Computers & Internet Programming & Design

In java, is there anyway to instanciate an object and name it a word stored in a String variable? like if i had:

String thing=test;
random test=new random();

would there be anyway to create another instance of class random without having to maually type it in? in otherwords, is there any way to name the object using the string's name (thing) and not the actual value stored in it. Basically i want it to say something like this:

String thing=everything;
random thing=new random();

but to have the object named everything, not thing. Can anyone help me?

2006-11-19 13:52:35 · 3 answers · asked by random_guy7531 4

I need a C++ program to keep track of student details and result.
The program requires add record for student and record, add result for student, delete student and subject record, update result and print out all student result, and print out particular result for student and subject .
Please help me to write this C++ program, i having a huge headache of doing this program, thanks . I need it urgent, thanks again.

2006-11-19 13:20:10 · 5 answers · asked by Alison_gal 1

I have only VERY basic skills - a bit of Fortran I've forgotten and some Basic on a commodore 64 (I made it up to sprite collisions!)
My goal is to write freeware games like Bridge Construction or a entrepreneur sim.
I need: Easy to learn, Free or Cheap, Easy to learn. ;)

2006-11-19 13:18:57 · 8 answers · asked by jon_r_patrick 3

I am 15 and I designed a website for my high school's track team.
Here is the site: http://www.freewebs.com/paramusrunning

I would like to enter the site into some sort of a design contest or competition so I could get more recognition for it.

I would appreciate if anyone gives a name or a link to a contest suitable for this case. And please tell me whether you think I have a chance at winning or not.

2006-11-19 12:37:00 · 5 answers · asked by Ilya 4

public class Exercise {
private int lowtemp;
private int hightemp;
private String name;

public void setlowtemp( int lowt)
lowtemp = lowt;

public int getlowtemp()
return lowtemp;

public void sethightemp( int hight)
hightemp = hight;

public int gethightemp()
return hightemp;

public void setname( String n)
name = n;

public String getname()
return name;

public void displayMessage()
System.out.println("Please enter the temperature"+ gethightemp());
System.out.println("Please enter the temperature"+ getlowtemp());
System.out.println("Please enter the temperature"+ getname());


public class Activities extends Exercise{

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

BufferedReader input=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));

Activities acts = new Activities();

2006-11-19 12:28:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm doing an assignment for Web Design and I can't figure out how to keep my menu frame from getting horizontal scrollbars. When it's just the plain menu there are no bars, but when I click on "intvertebrates" and the menu expands the scroll bar (horizontal) appears. Take a look and if you don't get the scrollbar let me know which browser you are using as my teacher will most likely be using Safari.


2006-11-19 11:40:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to display text vertically, either by rotating it or by putting letters on top of each other, i don't really care but rotating is my preference.

I found this for css:
writing-mode: tb-rl;
filter: flipv fliph;
but it does not work in firefox

2006-11-19 11:18:45 · 1 answers · asked by Brady 3

want tags do i have to type in

2006-11-19 09:26:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The image boxes appear but they are blank

2006-11-19 09:13:57 · 3 answers · asked by capaldi30 1

2006-11-19 08:43:06 · 4 answers · asked by Summer 1

I am the web designer. Do you think that the message board makes the website better. If you go on the website, please add to my guestbook. Do you have any suggestions to make it better? Does the website make you want to join? Please answer!!!!

2006-11-19 08:35:57 · 4 answers · asked by SSERP S 1

Im currently studying a computer science degree and I am hoping to find work after university in the games industry.
I would rather work on the design side of things are the skills I am learning now useful to me (programming etc)
Is there any software I can buy now to practice designing with I am quite cluless.

2006-11-19 08:27:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 08:04:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm working on some Java code, and I create a string with characters of another string.

example: strStringName = "" + strAnotherString.charAt( 0 ) + strAnotherString.charAt( 1 );

Since I include the empty quotes at the beginning, this assignment statement should automatically typecast the added characters as string type. This statement works fine for me in my code; this is not where the problem lies.

Next, I evaluate whether that string is equivalent to a string literal in an IF statement.

if (strStringName == "ab")
(this doesn't work, blah blah blah)

For some reason, this IF statement evaluates the express as "false"...which it shouldn't do!

However, if I use the charAt method, it works...but it sure is a lot of added code I have to write which I shouldn't have to.

if (strStringName.charAt(0) == 'a' && strStringName.charAt(1) == 'b')
(this works, blah blah blah)

wtf is going on??!!!!...is it a bug with the SDK/JDK?...bleh!

2006-11-19 07:47:21 · 1 answers · asked by entranced82 3

I'm having a problem like so.

Instead of outputting something such as

John Smith 45

It outputs this...

45n Smith

For some reason, after the LastName is printed, it goes to the beginning of the buffer and writes over the characters. FirstName and LastName are character arrays and not a strings, and that's what they have to be (class assignment). I've tried flush between LastName and IDnum, but that doesn't seem to work. Whats the problem?

2006-11-19 07:44:12 · 2 answers · asked by Harb Frame 3

I want to learn how to do some programming. I will be taking a class soon on the subject but I want to get some feedback form people who have been through all the struggle of learning how to program. I have ask some programmers on where to start if I were to learn the business, most have told me to learn how database works and how to program.

I am planning to take a class in C++
I am also planning to take a class that deals with database. However, I am not sure where to start and which is the most useful. I heard there were several different types of database the companies use. Access, SQL, and some other that I cannot think of.

So what are your thoughts, what would you do if you were me?

2006-11-19 07:33:12 · 3 answers · asked by Inquisit 2

i want it for my myspace name dose anyone know it?? make you answer simple please. thank you.

2006-11-19 07:12:57 · 4 answers · asked by M to the Max 1

I have a question about image maps. First off, what I would like to do is set in a background that the images are strategically placed behind and around a form that you would fill out, I could make it one big BG image, however that would load very slow. I would like to tell the server to place X image on X coordinate, can this be down, oh and I don't need links. I need the form to be posted over the top of the images. Here is the link to an image I made of what I ultimately want to do. http://www.donateerg.com/image/formimage.gif. If you have any ideas feel free to email them to me at gralex07@yahoo.com in addition to answers. thanks so much

2006-11-19 07:04:52 · 2 answers · asked by Greg A 1

i have solved this problem i need to put a special icon for each type of file how i must do it?i did it for directory

echo "

echo "";
echo "";
echo "


while ( ($str=readdir($d))!=NULL ) {

if ( is_dir("$_REQUEST[dirname]".$str) ) { echo " $str";}

echo "


2006-11-19 06:49:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

On one of my pages i get this error:

Ive heard it could be to do with 'white spaces' but have checked and not found any. Is there anything else that could be causing this?

Also what exactly is a white space, is it just a gap in the script?

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/t/n/i/tnine/html... in /home/content/t/n/i/tnine/html... on line 51


2006-11-19 06:30:59 · 2 answers · asked by peter s 1

Is this at all possilbe if so can you give me some software to do it or some tutorials to show me how?

Thank You

2006-11-19 06:29:14 · 4 answers · asked by cwconline 2

How do u print " Hello world " in python
Please include the whole program

2006-11-19 06:24:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Dreamweaver I can add a "behavior" to a link that will open a new browser window and allows me to set the window properties. Can I create a button in Flash, Fireworks, or anything else that will include that behavor as well as the embedded link?

2006-11-19 06:20:00 · 3 answers · asked by skylerthomas101 1

2006-11-19 06:14:56 · 16 answers · asked by tpoof 2

I am trying to validate a form before it gets submitted.

Below is the info from my


Below is the info from my 1st field 1 of 2

Below is the info from my 2nd field 2 of 2

Below is the info from my submit button

Below is the info from my