I tried to email this message to Jesus Camp, but it wouldn't go through:
"I watched several little 1-minute segments about or of Jesus Camp.
Apparently, one of the leaders said something to the effect of: "What are our enemies concentrating on?"
Why should you give one thought about what your enemy is doing if your enemy is going the wrong route?
1. The enemy is already defeated.
2. Your coach is all over them "LIKE WHITE ON RICE"!
I'm of the opinion that if you're concentrating on your enemy's actions and messages, then you're getting the wrong message.
If you are Christian, then you should know that the war is over! (No?)
Satan is your ONLY enemy and he is DEFEATED. (i.e. past, present, and future tense.)
I should hope that you would teach these kids to praise God for
providing a perfect and completed plan; and live grateful lives, helping those who most need help."
How can I email this message to them? Or is there a way to find their address?
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