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United States - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Taxes United States


if i'm selling as a bussiness on ebay. do i have to charge taxes if i sell in the same state?

2007-10-12 03:46:55 · 5 answers · asked by elclone 3

Where do contributions for either the deductible portion or the 401k Roth portion get reported? Is there a place on the schedule C or somewhere else?

2007-10-12 02:37:22 · 3 answers · asked by TheProfessor 2

My family and I have been living off loans and grants for this year. Are there any refunds available for filing a tax return?
Last year I made 16,000 and received over 5000 in refunds.
I have three children under 6.
Thank you for the advice.

2007-10-12 02:33:22 · 7 answers · asked by nwaff102 1

i want to amend my tax from 2006 to add my daugther and i am having a hard time following the IRS instruction. any help will be appreciated. thanks..

2007-10-12 01:59:30 · 4 answers · asked by paulo22 1

If you have filed for legal seperation (in Michigan it is called seperate maintenance), do you still have to file taxes together? I know if you are not living together and file seperately without a legal seperation, you do not qualify for the earned income credit. But if you file for seperate maintenance, can each party file for the credit then?

2007-10-12 01:23:26 · 5 answers · asked by Tink 5

From what I understand, there are Michigan tax laws allowing deductions for renters and lendees, but what about those responsible people who have chosen not to live their lives in debt (i.e., have no mortgage or rental dues)? Are they just out of luck?

2007-10-12 01:11:47 · 4 answers · asked by swollen_goat 2

if I transfer smaller amounts, can I avoid this?

2007-10-11 22:42:09 · 3 answers · asked by turtle girl 7

I allways hear people of my class,(blue collar worker) claiming they are republican because they want their tax cut.
Most of these guys not only get all of their tax back at the end of the year,and the ones with pups get a big chunk of "earned income credit".
What tax??
As a single guy,I do pay a little,but its not a deal breaker, because God Bless the union busting republican scum a few less peanuts doesnt matter.
What tax?
Are they counting the $300.00 or so they pay H&R Block because they want to get their refund in two days,and they are too stupid to figure out a form designed to be idiot proof?

"hell i dont want no guv'mint Inshorance! Jus cut mah tax an ill buy mah own! Yee-Haw!"


2007-10-11 21:14:02 · 1 answers · asked by InTheGreatSatan 2

I believe it used to be that when you sold a stock you have owned under one year it is taxed at your normal income tax rate. If it was held over a year it was taxed at 15%. I have recently been told that has changed.

I was told it is now 18% if sold before 365 days of owning it and 15% if sold over 365 days of owning it. Is this correct? If not what are the correct rates?


2007-10-11 18:31:38 · 1 answers · asked by Joe M 1

Example if I did NOT file taxes for 2006 and I just now decided to file taxes for earned income of $18,000 as a 1099 form.
For the state of California. About how much money will I have to pay back in taxes and how much will I have to pay in late fees?

2007-10-11 17:59:13 · 4 answers · asked by Yvett 2

I did not file for 2006 but I think that I was supposed to get $$$$ back. Is there any way to file online?

2007-10-11 15:27:13 · 9 answers · asked by Mike D 3

I made $70k in 2006 and $60k in 2007 with no money saved to pay, does anyone know what my options will be?

2007-10-11 14:08:11 · 5 answers · asked by jonesanthonyaj 1

My daughter was born 10/05/2007 .... I am going to be claiming her for this tax year. I qualify for EIC .. I am wondering how much I can expect to receive for the child alone.

2007-10-11 13:30:50 · 6 answers · asked by turtlemaster 1

This is in Twin Fall Idaho

2007-10-11 12:28:54 · 7 answers · asked by HotStuff 1

i need some help.
i took out a loan a few months ago, for $1200, with a $50 charge for the application. i have been paying it back since then, and dont know how much i still owe. I am resigning from this job ( government job ) in November, due to reloacting.
I know i will be given the option to cash out on my loan or repay it or something like that. If i cash out, i will get penalized when i do my taxes in Jan. I make just under 33,000/yr. with 2 dependants. my child and myself. i always get a refund.
my question is... what is the difference in the amount i will be taxed if i dont pay the loan back in full, or if i just cash out all together...!!??!!
(( i already know i shouldnt cash out, cuz of the future, bla bla bla, etc. ))
i just want to know what my options are. i still want to recieve my tax return, since its something that is always useful and helpful to me, since i am a single parent.
the more thurough your answer, the better.
thanks for your help people!

2007-10-11 11:26:43 · 3 answers · asked by LoLo818 1

in the state of CO

2007-10-11 11:08:54 · 2 answers · asked by greatmasterkang 1

2007-10-11 11:00:20 · 4 answers · asked by Math Whiz 1

This is regarding the one time conversion that's allowed in 2010.

2007-10-11 10:10:53 · 2 answers · asked by Abe C 1

i have spend alot of money this year with my family, dogs, and work where can i find a list or does someone know what i can actually use as tax right offs? dry cleaning?vet bills? etc...
please let me know or give me the website thanks alot

2007-10-11 09:51:01 · 3 answers · asked by blancaespadas 1

where is the best place i can save money (at a bank) and not have the IRS know about it . i have a bank levy and wage garnish from them. i just want to save for my retirenent and not get riped off when i try to withdrawn it. and i dont want the IRS to know i have money in the bank

2007-10-11 09:16:49 · 4 answers · asked by itsphoenix06 1

I only worked for the first six weeks of the year, with a total gross of no more than $2,200. If I claim my kids, will I still get the maximum EIC?

2007-10-11 09:12:48 · 2 answers · asked by mama_lisa24 3

According to some answers here, no tax is involved when simply depositing it. What if this money is from a sold property from a foreign country and was bankwired to my bank. Is this something that should be declared to IRS even if this is not an income made here?

2007-10-11 08:50:23 · 3 answers · asked by L D 1

I have a garnishment but they havent found out were I work at yet. My question is in the state of louisiana can they take my income taxes if I file?

2007-10-11 08:36:22 · 3 answers · asked by cuttie1972 2

I went to a computer store to purchase a computer, and went to a store in Ohio. My non-profit business is based in KY and I was purchasing something for it in OH. The store said it was policy that I have to have Ohio's stamp to be tax-exempt. The manager said quote "Our policy is tougher than other places." Can they do this, I was under the impression that being tax-exempt in KY and federally, I would be okay.

2007-10-11 08:07:23 · 4 answers · asked by valmikey 2

How many trillions of dollars did we bring in last year? Our deficit was down to 162.8 billion. How short where we percentage wise?

2007-10-11 08:01:42 · 2 answers · asked by thetyranyofevilmen 2

I have just received a notice of proposed assessment from the State Of Georgia. It basically says that I have been audited and found to owe $331.00 from the year 2005. It also outlines ways I can protest.

It also says that additional information is on the reverse side of the bill. That section is blank. There is no explanation as to WHY my 2005 taxes were wrong. I called the GA Dept of Revenue, and they said that they couldn't pull up my taxes because I filed electronically. Still, no explanation as to WHY I owe them $331.00.

I can protest in writing, but how can I argue with their numbers if I don't have them?


P.S. If it matters, I live in Indiana and only have a little bit of LLC income from Georgia.

2007-10-11 07:47:33 · 6 answers · asked by great_and_mighty_adam_levine 4

I have been working in the U.S since October 06. I got married this year in March and my spouse started working in September this year.
I still haven't updated my W4 for the year with my employer.Does this have any future consequences? Can i submit my tax returns (joint or seperately) with my wife next year and recieve the extra withholdings ?

2007-10-11 07:44:14 · 6 answers · asked by kulbir_85 1

Does anybody out there know if this is true,

2007-10-11 07:10:45 · 6 answers · asked by emigirl6363 2

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