i need some help.
i took out a loan a few months ago, for $1200, with a $50 charge for the application. i have been paying it back since then, and dont know how much i still owe. I am resigning from this job ( government job ) in November, due to reloacting.
I know i will be given the option to cash out on my loan or repay it or something like that. If i cash out, i will get penalized when i do my taxes in Jan. I make just under 33,000/yr. with 2 dependants. my child and myself. i always get a refund.
my question is... what is the difference in the amount i will be taxed if i dont pay the loan back in full, or if i just cash out all together...!!??!!
(( i already know i shouldnt cash out, cuz of the future, bla bla bla, etc. ))
i just want to know what my options are. i still want to recieve my tax return, since its something that is always useful and helpful to me, since i am a single parent.
the more thurough your answer, the better.
thanks for your help people!
3 answers
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