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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Insurance

I recently had an insurance salesman call to renew our polices. He talked me into taking extra cover on one policy to make up for one that id cancelled. He called at my business and i had to run between him & my customers as it was his only time to be able to see me, so it was a fluster. When i asked him how much xtra, he said what i thought was $50.00, he'd said it soflty & i asked him to repeat and i was sure that is what he said. It was not till next morn that we read it was actually an extra $500 to be direct debited from our account. We also saw where he was to make a very nice commission off the policies, which i had signed without knowing because he slipped it in with the policy update forms and as i realised later he had sat other papers on top so i could not see what i was signing, took advantage of me being busy. we cancelled the policy the next day and let them know we were not happy with the misleading antics. Is what he did illegal?

2007-10-02 01:45:23 · 6 answers · asked by dmaree 1

But they are insisting I give them the exact date that the roof tiles fell off. It was about a year ago (its a long story why I waited so long) but I only have a vague idea of when it was. if I give them a date which I no not to be exact will they check weather reports etc to determine whether the accident was possible?

2007-10-01 23:15:03 · 10 answers · asked by ? 7

I had my baby on august 21st . I submitted my paperwork to my employer to add her as a dependent to my benefits within the 30 days well something happened apparently on their end and they didn't get it in in time so I apparently have to wait til open enrollment to cover her. Needless to say I am extremely upset over this so a few questions, when is open enrollment generally and I have to take my daughter in 2 weeks for her shots, how much do they run and how much are dr visits since I will be paying out of pocket for these visits?..thanks for your comments. I am still fighting for them to add her since this was not my fault. Can they still add her?

2007-10-01 19:25:11 · 7 answers · asked by k 5

2007-10-01 14:45:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are not married yet and my fiance needs health insurance-at my work the benefits are great and we would save a lot to cancel his at his job. does anyone know where i can find out info about this?

I looked online and didnt really find anything-thanks for the help!

2007-10-01 13:49:49 · 5 answers · asked by Sunshine 4

My car insurance company is willing to give me and my boyfriend joint coverage for our vehicles.... but my BF's medical insurance won't cover "co-habitating heterosexual couples"..... anybody know why that is?

2007-10-01 11:46:29 · 8 answers · asked by Kaybee 4

The person I was in an accident with is taking me to court to try and get $3300 for the damages. Now I know his vehicle is not worth more than $1000. Could that mean that I can pay the price that the car books for and then he will have to give me the title, like insurance companies do?

2007-10-01 09:41:35 · 5 answers · asked by forthursdaynight 2

My spouse is covered by the current private policy, but I am primary. We both were only able to access coverage due to HIPPA and ERISA while I applied for my disability. I am concerned that he not be dropped if I switch to a medicare supplemental policy. All personal experience or advice appreciated.

2007-10-01 08:28:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked about insurance covering an IUD that costs approximately $400 with an in-network provider.... this is the answer I got:

It would depend on your going to an in-network provider, then you would have to meet your deductible & you would pay 10% of the allowed amount. The balance would be written off with an in-network provider. If you went to an out of network provider you would be responsible for your deductible, 30% of the allowed amount was well as any amount that the provider chose to bill you for over the allowed amount.

2007-10-01 06:00:54 · 9 answers · asked by karespromise 4

I been injured sence 1/19/07.At first I did not get an attorny bcouse I was told id be taken care of by the insurance co.Well 4 month into it I was cut off with no explenation or fearther care basicly found out when I went to refill my perscription the pharmsist told me i didt have coverage.I got the attorny and got medical care again.Their has been a few issues I feel arnt fair or just.4 starters the insurance co is sending to a Dr 2 hours away!that means a 4 hour car trip a min of every 2 weeks.My injury is in my lower back so this is a painfull trip.when asked why I couldnt see a dr in the local area I was told the insurance co just dosent use those dr and they didnt feel comphertable useing dr they wernt fermairler with. Iv had 3 crysis sistuations where I was afflected by accut extream pain that required an emergcy room visit I recived a bill today saying it was an unortherised visit and they were not going to pay the bill?Im wondering can they do they do that?

2007-09-30 22:27:51 · 2 answers · asked by christine h 3

My boss of 24 years took my insurance coverage away without any warning, saying he can no longer afford to pay for it. It was stated to my manager that my insurance would be reinstated in the fall when business picks back up, but now he changed his mind and denied me again. Is this legal? Is there anything i can do or call to stop this cheap scrooge from doing this to anyone else?

2007-09-30 18:14:31 · 6 answers · asked by fork 1

Are there free health care for the poor in US?

2007-09-30 16:34:53 · 10 answers · asked by august 1

In July I contacted AAA Insurance re: home owners insurance & was given a quote of $1,334 per yr. When application was sent it showed $1,467. I agreed on this amount & sent application back. I also made payment of $468 to start. I was assured that policy w/b processed & info sent to mortgage co. with this amount for coverage. It wasn't sent. Called AAA back now they say insurance w/b $3,303 per year after depositing my $468. I'm very upset & want to contact their corporate headquarters after no satifaction from speaking with a supervisor there who states person I was dealing with mis-quoted amount (twice) & nothing can be done about it!!!

2007-09-30 14:22:38 · 0 answers · asked by Curious 2

I own www.insurancetrouble.com domain name. Originally I purchased this domain out of my own frustration dealing with insurance companys. Due to various reasons, I never built this site. Give me some of your ideas. If you are interested in doing something good with this domain, then I am open to working together or even selling it.

Give me your suggestions on what you want to see in this website.

2007-09-30 13:34:45 · 1 answers · asked by KB 2

also does the gp's have any other expenses other than malpractice ,

2007-09-30 10:44:59 · 3 answers · asked by michaelpc12 2

I have been suspended from work, i work in a insurance company on the phones, i have been very depressed i the past and i have spoken to a line manager who has been very helpful, but the reason for me getting suspended was i have not concentrated on my work for a bit, i have been monitored and i was not even told of my actions, i have been taken very short calls and transfering them to the correct office, but then i have also been in after call work for a long time, when they asked me about this i said i have been depressed and talking to colleagues around me, they have suspended me and now i have a discplinary meeting, i really need some advice please help me

2007-09-30 08:47:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently decorated my front room and moved the television into the kitchen onto my old kitchen table, The table leg broke with the weight dropped the tv and smashed the front screen, i rang my insurance company and they put me to a representitive, as he was too busy to deal with my claim he put me off for 3 days, in the meantime as i have pets in the house ( Labrador Retriever ) i was concerned of leaving it in the house so i took it to my yard and left it outside, When the rep rang back he told me due to the fact that i took the t.v outside i was unable to make a claim, Is there anything i can do or should just forget about it?

2007-09-30 07:54:42 · 8 answers · asked by mark b 1

I know that the MRI places can charge $15-1600 or more and that the insurance companies don't pay that much. What do insurance companies pay?

And if you don't have insurance, how much do you pay the MRI place?

2007-09-30 07:20:26 · 4 answers · asked by Querious 3

That is, will the insurance carrier "blame" their customer like they would if they had run a red light or something?

2007-09-30 03:05:00 · 20 answers · asked by mvm 3

We will be having a conference at work about Total cost Ownership and i need some tips on it and also Scoring Board.

2007-09-29 22:07:43 · 3 answers · asked by Invasion 3

I want to get a nose job and I was wondering how the insurance work in this cases.
I know it probably won´t cover the whole surgery, but I was wondering if it will cover the hospitalization time, or some stuffs like that??

Does anybody know how this things work?

My insurance is UPMC Health Plan


2007-09-29 16:23:50 · 6 answers · asked by sandrapixel 3

I had a house fire about 6 weeks ago and the insurance company keep telling me the are still investigating.

2007-09-29 13:22:27 · 5 answers · asked by shapelej 1

I just receive a bill from my doctor after having a surgery before a month. They are charging me for the discount what my insurance estimate. Do I have to pay that myself? If yes, and I refuse to pay it, is that will effect my credit report in the future?

2007-09-29 12:14:14 · 5 answers · asked by nat69 1

i had got a layer because i know that the adjuster was going to give me problems from the start.

well long story short, i waited almost 4 months to go to the physical therapist. i stasrted to feel pain about 50 days after the acident. i was not trying to get over on anyone just felf like it was my right.

i took many days off work, caught the bus in the summer heat. etc.

well when it was all said and done. the one adjuster paid for my doctor bills., but the other adjuster is not trying to pay for my pain and suffering bills

i dont understand how the doctoer can get compensated but i cant.

it was been very hard on me.

anyway my lawyer is taking this to court.

so i guess my question is,..................

what are the outcomes in caese like this that get taken to court

2007-09-29 06:14:39 · 8 answers · asked by Avery A 1

I don't even know how to look for insurance but I need to find an affordable individual insurance policy in Nevada. I am a 22/female. However I am asthmatic (only mildly) and I take birth control for medical reasons (I am not sexually active). However I have never smoked, done drugs, and if I drink it will only be like one glass 1-3x a year, so hardly at all.

2007-09-29 06:03:02 · 11 answers · asked by Abbey loves Jesus 3

This company used to sell a lot of life insurance to military & family members. I need a way to contact the company for someone who has a policy with them. Thanks. I think the person has a whole life policy.

2007-09-28 09:15:14 · 2 answers · asked by kriend 7

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