Every pay day people pay off debts and bills first and take care of themselves last. It's no wonder people are struggling financially. You have to look at yourself first as a business, and then other expenses. Not the other way around. I've seen people pay off credit cards and starve for about a week and have no gas money for themselves because they took care of extra bills first. No one gave a damn that they starved for that week or had no gas money in their car. You have to set some money to the side for yourself do you agree? No matter how much debt you're in. I also figured out why the government has so much money. I'm in the Army so I'm government relt'd. It's because they're so cheap! They get the most out of you for as less as possible. I have to start thinking this way when I go shopping. I'm going to the Dollar Store even if I have $1,000,000 in my pocket! No cable, no internet, no phone, turn off all the electricity every time I walk out the house. I plan to save big!!!
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Personal Finance