The dress code in my private school states this...
"All breasts must be contained by a brassier of some sort at all times during the school day, and in gym breasts must be contained by a sports brassier of some sort"
Yeah, my school is whacked.
Well, anyways, there are these boys in my school who have really low selfesteem because they have gynamostecia, the increased breast growth in men. One day they were pulled out of lcass.
They didn't come back until the next day. The school had told them they had to wear bras during school and sports bras during P.E. They asked to be switched outo f the school but their parents wouldnt let them. Now they have to wear bras.
Anyways, the boys had to get a bra. Now, I was friends to some of them at one time (we then split our seperate ways), and that day they were pulled out of class, they tried to ge tme to give them some bras and I was like "Uhh...No"
But now they wear bras to school all day long and wear sports bras...
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