Okay, so i am half black, half white. my hair is mixed w/ "hey dont make fun of my high school fro" genes and flat, non-volume genes. its horrible. anyone else have this problem and kno how to fix it? i h8 straightening every time i wash it. i try herbal essences: 1dangerously straight, 2none of your frizziness shampoos, herbal essences: 3dangerously straight hair spray, umberto giannini: 4sleek and chic, john frieda: 5unruly frizz serum.
3, 4, and 5-to satisfaction. esp. 3 for straightening, but only waves.
but, i use the wet to straight straightener, to avail, but only if i take an entire hour w/ it. >:( not working out.
please try to help. i cant afford pro straightening perms, and the temp @home thing smells when i get it wet, hardly lasts, and i still had to straighten it when i washed it. my attempted optimism when i had it didnt work. i would kill to fix this. i kno someone else out there feels this way.. so if its u, plz help me!
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