On the first installment of "Who Want To Win Me The Lottery", I asked for numbers to play, to given games, and from this two contestents emerged Space Monkey and James, so in this installment I want you to tell me which one should I play and....and what day I should play them, within this week, keep in Mind P'ball drawing is ever Wen. and Sat.
Also I would like to play them both, so choose which one would you recommend I play first on what day, and on which day should I play the second one within any day of this month, Oh and as always Wish me luck, and remmember I dont really like seeing suffering in the world, can you say charity, which if I win anything Im going to ask which charity I should donate to after i win of course, so help me help others
Space Monkey #s can be found here:
James #s can be found here:
1 answers
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