I do agree that 6 million jews died during the Nazi regime years.But to think that they all somehow got cremated in an oven at austwitzed is a little absurd. More likely the 6 million figure has to include all the natural deaths,people who lost fighting in WW2,suicides,deportations,ect.I think Hitler was going after really was to break up the strangle hold the jews had all over Europe,with their wealth,subtle,but still enourmous starnglehold on european governments and their freemasonary connections as well.I think Hitler wanted done really wasn't so much genocide, as he was trying to break the monopoly of influence the Jews had in Europe,while sadly taking out too many innocent men,women and children as well.Or was Hitler more anti-Zionism as opposed to being an Anti-semite. Yes I believe he went way over the top with the jewish question,but an issue that still needed redress.
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