I have been engaged to my fiancée for a year now. We dated for 6 months and were friends for a year and a half before the engagement. When we dated we did had sex. While we were friends I didn't have sex with her due to the fact that we were just friends. I knew that she liked me a lot and wanted a deeper relationship, but because I wasn't feeling the same at that time, I didn't engage in sex, not wanting to lead her on. She was open to continue to have sex even as friends though. Now that we are engaged, our sex life has not been the best because she's never into it. That's because I trained her she says that sex is not important to me and that memory is trapped in her head. So now she doesn't see me in a sexual way. Sex has been dead for months now. She'll have sex with me, but puts nothing into it. She does it out of duty. Is this normal and if so, what should I do to make things better? Did I make a mistake by stopping having sex with her when we were just friends?
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Singles & Dating