This is a multiple choice question:
Conservatives, your choices:
1) The media desparately wants to continue a "Kennedy" legacy in the WH, anyone willing to play ball with the media will get their support- phony photo ops; looking the other way when a Clinton (pick one) girlfriend is outed.
2) The media will just continue the lie, they know liberals will believe whatever they tell them to think or do.
3) All Hillary needs to do, is get re-elected, then she can dump Bill (or maybe find the closet door?)
Socialists, I mean progressives, your answers:
1) Hey, it's their business (sorry, the Clintons are heavily promoting the facade, that answer won't work)
2) I really believe they have a physical relationship (that's enough kool-aid, comrade)
3) Why do we focus on people's personal lives (Sen Craig would like to know)
4) If another liberal says it, it must be true.
5) I read in the NY Times, Hillary is in love with Bill
6) Bush lied
7) Haliburton made money
9 answers
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