Nobody can claim that Western foreign policy is perfect in regards to the Middle East, in fact sometimes it's just plain stupid. Yet we don't intentionally target civilians when we go to war. We fight governments, soldiers and lately terrorists which despite what some people say, are not soldiers in the traditional form and therefore the Geneva convention does not apply to them. I supported Afghanistan yet am against Iraq. So unlike some people who think we are right in everything we do I know we are not. Yet the one thing all of us in the West can agree on is that we don't intentionally target civilians. Yes civilians die in war it's a fact of life, but unlike the common terrorist we don't see civilians as having targets painted on their backs. People often bad mouth Israel and sometimes it is justified, but I am yet to see an Israeli strap a bomb to their chest and walk into a cafe. They target the men with guns and bombs, not a family sitting down for a cup of coffee. Your views?
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