The person with the best answers gets ten points. Get it,ten questions-ten points!
1. What are some things a ten-year-old girl would carry in her purse?
2. What is the wierdest animal noise you can make?
3. As a kid,what was your favorite thing to do?
4. How many people do you think live in the U.S.?
5. When do you think the first shopping mall in the U.S. opened up?
6. Lets say the U.S.'s people were divided into fourths,what fraction of people do you think graduated high school?
7. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
8. Do you dance in the car? (Tell the truth!)
9. About how much sugar do you eat a day?
10. If you could paint the white house a different color,what color would you paint it?
P.S. Please do not say things like,"A ten-year-old wouldn't have a purse." or,"Humans can't really make animal noises.",it's just a question.
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