Hi, I am a sophomore in high school right. I am usually a 4.0 student and have been since about 4th grade. So, anyway, my high school is on a block schedule; like we have 2 terms a year, basically half the year one set of 4 classes, other half the year another 4 classes.So, this term I had AP Spanish.if u are wondering how I had ap/spanish 5 as a sophomore in hs,its b/c: I took spanish 1 in 8thgrade, spanish 2 first term 9thgrade,spanish 3 second term 9thgrade,spanish 4 first term 10th grade, spanish 5, second (this) term 10thgrade. Yea,and I got a D in it.It was SO hard for me especially with Chemistry and Advanced Algebra besides that class.and so I dropped the class after midterms.but still,I now have a D on my transcript for the class.It was a 72% but still,on MY teacher's grading scale,it was a D. a C minus,the next closest grade, was a 74%.Yea,gay I know.So now I'm scared. Will I still be able to get into a UC since I have that D on my transcript now?should I retake the class?
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